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Brian Hoss


50 games reviewed
82.2 average score
80 median score
86.0% of games recommended

Brian Hoss's Reviews

Having gone from game development to criticism, Brian's reviews tend to focus on game design. Ultimately, the question is, "is it fun?"

'Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy Remastered' does exactly what users should expect from a remaster, it shines a light on all of the original game's strengths, which are worth noticing. Likewise, the majority of the original game's failings are back in full force in this restrained remaster. Longtime fans will find a technical and content upgrade worth the purchase price, while new players now have the definitive version to try.

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Jul 20, 2016

'Zombie Night Terror' makes for a delightful challenge, one that is worth revisiting in the future even after conquering all of the levels. Many of the human characters in the game are in need of grisly end, and zombies are certainly primed for that. The game falls short of excellence, but it's still an easy recommendation for anyone who might enjoy an action-puzzler with zombie b-movie humor.

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'Deus Ex: Mankind Divided - System Rift' made for a happy surprise and happy return to one of my favorite 2016 games. There is story and gameplay worth having here, but nothing radical like a full-powered Jensen or even new weapons or abilities. Somehow though, 'System Rift' does deliver on content that links the main game with 'Breach.' I'd be happy if the other big DLC, 'A Criminal Past,' can deliver as effectively.

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For a very short time, I enjoyed 'Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes' as I would any new, exciting, and impressive 'Metal Gear' title. I couldn't help but be fascinated by some of the turns assigned to 'Peace Walker' characters, and that is the game's fundamental issue. The game comes across as premium priced fan service. The PS4 version is doubtlessly better than the PS3 version, but the jump in price from $20 to $30 makes the pretty, fun, and short game only suitable for hardcore fans. Cut the price in half and clean up some of the locked features, and the game's rating would be much higher even without adding more content.

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Jul 6, 2014

As stated throughout the review, the visuals are extraordinarily homely. The DS to PC path and price will prohibit most from ever trying the game. The game's beginning, while an improvement on the 1990 version, is like to doom it for many that do try it. But beyond that, it's easy to sink hour after hour into the game, embracing its retouched and demanding challenge while celebrating one of the peaks of the early series. And while I found the PC version ugly but addictive, I can't imagine trying to play such a serious game, hour after hour, on my phone, which means the PC version no one would have asked for serves an important function.

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Mar 4, 2016

'Street Fighter V' stops short of being an online-only experience, but players need to want to play online nearly all of the time to get much mileage currently. The roster is impressive, but undercut by the game's insistence that players pre-select a single character before going online. In essence, the fighters are more accessible than what the game modes facilitate, but there's no denying how each human vs human match can be marvelous. With the framework in place, and an incredible fighting system delivering on being a new numbered 'Street Fighter' installment, what's left is for Capcom to deliver on their promised content and feature pipeline.

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Oct 20, 2016

The meekly named 'PlayStation VR Worlds' rarely escapes its origins as brief demonstrations, but it is certainly worth checking out as part of the greater 'PlayStation VR' launch experience. Some of the five experiences bundled here could make for great fully-realized titles, and failing that, this disc version is ready for any time I might want to show 'PS VR' to others. Plus, the game case makes for a smart place to keep the PlayStation VR cleaning cloth.

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Nov 2, 2015

'LEGO Dimensions' pulls from a lot of fantastic licenses and even gets the player to use actual LEGOs. At the same time, the game strays too far from the proven LEGO formulae for a series veteran, pulling out the meat of the game design without providing enough balance or sense of progression. There are bright things in the future for 'LEGO Dimensions' I'm sure, but the growing pains of early adoption are too harsh for me.

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Aug 12, 2016

In short bursts, 'No Man's Sky' is amazing, but going deeper, I found only a void. There's a great framework, and an arresting visual style to go with an ease of mobility, but in a short amount of time, I despaired of finding any more interactivity or progression in the all-too-similar horizons and star systems. My search for Nada ended in a whimper.

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Oct 31, 2016

I went looking for Michael Crichton in 'The Assembly,' but I got stuck on the lowlights. As with many ambitious projects, there is some good stock here. As VR advances, another take 'The Assembly' could realize the promise. What's here, however, just isn't thrilling.

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