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Austin Belzer

Kansas City, Missouri

Favorite Games:
  • Alan Wake
  • Far Cry 3
  • Red Dead Redemption

21 games reviewed
47.6% of games recommended

Austin Belzer's Reviews

I'm an avid nerd, so to speak. Right now, I'm reading DC Rebirth, excited for Suicide Squad and Deus Ex: Mankind Divided. I've been gaming since the year 16 years. First on PS2, then the original Xbox for a while, the GameCube became my Star Wars machine, the Game Boy Advance (one of the best handhelds I've ever held), the DS Lite, the Wii, the Xbox 360, the PS3, the PS4, and now, the Xbox One.
A or higher - Quantum Break
Apr 12, 2016

Quantum Break is a game I have been waiting on for a very long time. 3 years, almost. Since the Xbox One reveal in May of 2013, that was the one game I wanted to buy right that second. The game that would make me go all-in on the Xbox One, $500 price point, DRM, Kinect inclusion and all. I mean, these were the same people who created my favorite video game of all time, Alan Wake. This had to be good, right? At the time, and even to this day, Quantum Break is way ahead of its time.

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