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Justin Nation

Windsor, PA
The Nindersect

Favorite Games:
  • Rocket League
  • Neon Abyss
  • Wreckfest

3809 games reviewed
70.8 average score
70 median score
43.0% of games recommended

Justin Nation's Reviews

Strangely enough this isn't my first rodeo, back in the day I wrote for the N64HQ as well as a few other outlets on freelance gigs but then when the HQ closed I decided to step it up and started The 64 Source. As the first word of a follow-up system to the N64 began to swirl I then decided to venture out into completely new territory and started OperatioN2000, where I had very little regular reputable news to share. With no other options I decided create my own content focused on profiling key developers and their current relationship with Nintendo or "dream games" where I saw opportunities for Nintendo to dust off classics or recently-made games and do something new with them on improved hardware. This was all going pretty well until my wife and I decided to have our first child and I then decided that it was time to hang it up and focus on my family. As I closed down both sites I did decide to partner with Billy Berghammer, another former N64HQ writer, who had created his own site, PlanetN2000. We agreed to move over the relevant content from the older sites to his and on top of that I had taken a grad school class in programming in ColdFusion and decided to offer to code the front-end and back-end for a new version of his site. Through these efforts the newer and more complete Planet GameCube was born! While I would occasionally contribute to that site, helping do things like working out Louie the Cat doing rumors and other odd things, I eventually decided to stop as my family obligations grew. While I had continued to follow Nintendo through both the Wii and Wii U eras my TV time was limited enough that I began playing more PC games again. It is in the PC space that I began to play a number of independent games and they started to be the games I enjoyed the most. Between their lower price, their often less traditional gameplay and approach, and their great variety I was hooked! With the launch of the Nintendo Switch I was already excited by the possibilities. The portability factor alone meant that I would have far more options and places I could play away from the TV, and games like Breath of the Wild looked impressive. With my oldest daughter poised to start her senior year in high school and my youngest finishing out junior high I started to see an opportunity to get back into amateur games journalism once again with what is now Nintendo World Report as well but I'd initially just thought about writing some editorials periodically. Then, right before the launch of the system, Nintendo had their Nindie-focused presentation and I saw my two most beloved gaming worlds colliding. The games I had been playing on my PC could now be played in a portable way and on Nintendo hardware! Being the type who tends to work against the normal current the concept behind Nindie Spotlight was born!
Jul 13, 2017

Levels+ does a better job than I would have expected and provides for an engaging experience. If you’re looking for a light puzzling experience you can just pick up and play semi-thoughtfully for a while it’s probably better than any other game of its kind that I’ve played on other devices, though I just may not have seen this variant before. With its relatively inexpensive price the question ultimately becomes whether this is the kind of game you’re looking for. If it is, and you understand that the goal isn’t to “win” but to challenge yourself to continue to try to up your score, I’d say this is a worthy purchase.

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Jul 13, 2017

As a budget-priced offering the question ultimately becomes whether this is the kind of game you're looking for. If it is, and you understand that the goal isn't to "win" but to challenge yourself to continue to try to up your score, I'd say this is a worthy purchase.

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6.5 / 10.0 - Ultra Hyperball
Jul 27, 2017

The problem is that having the right group of people is more key to the experience than the game itself. With simplicity can come accessibility but it doesn't always equate to long-term challenge. At its relatively low price point, people will just need to decide whether it's something that looks appealing to eat up some hours on your own and with the other people you play with.

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6.5 / 10.0 - Ultra Hyperball
Jul 27, 2017

For everything it sets out to do and accomplishes relatively well Ultra Hyperball presents the same challenge in terms of recommending it that some of the other indie multiplayer games have had. If you and (probably more importantly in terms of long-term play) your friends buy into the hook of the game and will invest in getting the hang of the timing and controls there’s the makings of some fun local play. The problem, though, is that I’d consider it further in the direction of the people being key to the experience making it fun than the game itself. With simplicity can come accessibility but it doesn’t always equate to long-term challenge. At its relatively low price point people will just need to decide whether it is something that looks appealing to eat up some hours with on your own and with the other people you play with.

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8 / 10.0 - Slime-san
Aug 3, 2017

Right now on the Switch there’s just nothing else quite like Slime-San. It’s a challenging action/platforming title with a fair amount of puzzle-solving required and speed running roots thrown in to boot. As is necessary with this style the controls are tight and responsive and there are a number of choices in Slimes that will help you tune your experience closest to your liking. The duration of individual levels tends to be quite quick so it is excellent as an in-between doing things experience, allowing it to be played similarly to a mobile game in some regards if you’re often on the go. Finally, it is a terrific gateway to platforming challenges that venture past the familiar boundaries of the Mushroom Kingdom, turning the difficulty knob higher without necessarily breaking it like a few other titles of its kind tend to insist on doing. Recommended!

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At the end of the day this is a throwback 8-bit version of games with more modern sensibilities and it is well-executed. The controls are relatively simple and sensible, the action is varied enough (though usually centered on doing something illegal or insane), the silly references are abundant, and the amount of content means if you enjoy the game you’ll have something to play for quite a while if you want to do it all. If you’ve played it in one of its previous incarnations there’s nothing new here, it’s just on the Switch and probably in the most refined and versatile form it has ever been in. If you’re not into destruction and pop culture call-outs the game also isn’t likely for you. But if you’re in search of something light, fun, and packed with mischief it is a good time, even while showing its age.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Rocket Fist
Aug 4, 2017

In what is becoming one of the most contested types of games on the system (keeping neck and neck with roguelikes) I firmly believe that at this moment as a total package Rocket Fist delivers the best deal on the system currently. While it is local multiplayer only, ceding ground only to Bomberman R in that area, I believe that the included provisions for bots does a reasonably good job of compensating. The rules and controls are simple to understand but the nuance with how best to use the walls to make difficult attacks leaves substantial room for people to refine their technique. Throw in what I’d consider to be a replayable and challenging Adventure mode to refine and perfect your skills and I’m calling it: Rocket Fist has thrown a knockout punch against the current competition in this space.

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8 / 10.0 - Use Your Words
Aug 4, 2017

While Use Your Words is very much a copy of an established (and very effective) format credit is due for the new twists it brings to the party. The MST3K-esque potential in the Sub the Title mode, specifically, is huge and opens the door to some very different opportunities for people to exercise their funny-making chops on. The pacing can tend to be a little slow because of the use of video clips (though they are very short) but I think the developers have tried to find a balance in reminding people of the context (which can be vital) and keeping things moving. I like the idea of the “House Answers” feature, it’s a great stab at adding an extra challenge, but in our playthroughs my family found it changed the answering strategy too much within our group so we were glad to have an option to disable it. If you’re looking for some fun and have access to a group of people on a somewhat regular basis Use Your Words will provide a few evenings of entertainment and engagement for everyone.

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Aug 6, 2017

I believe the biggest factor in deciding whether you’ll enjoy Blockle or not, if you’re at least open to getting a new puzzle game, will be the art style, humor, and look of Arika specifically. I can confidently say that I know people who absolutely would avoid the game because of her presence, though undoubtedly there are also plenty of people who will either find her amusing in some way or even benign. If you’re searching for a traditional puzzle experience give the screen shots and some video a look and decide for yourself if it is for you. While I wouldn’t consider it revolutionary there’s no doubt that Puzzle Adventure Blockle is a very well-made and well-executed puzzler that is price appropriate for the right audience.

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Aug 7, 2017

If you're searching for a traditional puzzle experience, give the screenshots and some video a look and decide for yourself if it's for you. While I wouldn't consider it revolutionary, there's no doubt that Puzzle Adventure Blockle is a very well-made and well-executed puzzler that is price appropriate for the right audience.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Ironcast
Aug 8, 2017

If you enjoy being challenged and engaging in highly strategic gameplay my answer would be it is absolutely worth your time and effort to learn. With that in mind I’ll also say that I was among the people who greatly enjoyed Has-Been Heroes while a great number of people chose to throw their hands up in frustration instead. Of all of the games I’ve played on the Switch in many ways I consider Ironcast to have a similar spirit as HBH as a game that won’t apologize or compromise just because you’re struggling. It sets the bar high and expects you to get there or die trying. That said, if you take the time and put in the effort you absolutely can beat the game and I’ll say accomplishing that feat was among the most rewarding experiences I’ve had in quite some time. Ironcast is the kind of game that only indie studios would likely be daring enough to attempt, defying all traditional expectations and making people invest some blood, sweat, and tears to cross the finish line. If you’re up to the challenge your mech is waiting for its Commander, and the good people of England are depending on you!

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8 / 10.0 - Phantom Trigger
Aug 10, 2017

I found Phantom Trigger to be a challenging and distinct experience, mixing up some elements I appreciate in multiple titles with the action and nature of the boss battles, and giving me something to chew on for a while. While I normally don't go right back through to attack a game I just finished on a harder difficulty setting I did that here and the game hasn't disappointed. As I'd said I felt pretty good about myself being capable of facing everything the game could throw at me, but then hit World 4 and now I'm carefully trying to survive and progress… it's a tough one. The Arena mode seems to have potential but for the most part it also doesn't strike me as something everyone will want to replay once the main game has concluded. Since one of the things I'd wished for was for such a mode to exist to extend my play of Mr. Shifty I do greatly appreciate the added effort and opportunity to get some more out of the game now that I've mostly mastered the mechanics. While not everything in Phantom Trigger is perfect I'd say people looking for a meaty action challenge won't be disappointed given the difficulty it brings with both its varied enemies and creative bosses. The fact that it tells an interesting story along the way is just icing on the cake.

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8 / 10.0 - Forma.8
Aug 23, 2017

I’ve really been enchanted by forma.8 and the slow-paced tranquility it has offered me. In particular with craziness of a variety of types everywhere the ability to zone out, listen to the soothing ambient sounds and music, and progress through the gorgeous alien landscapes has been welcome. For me the need to keep track of everything I’ve seen and then try to recall where they were to backtrack to them later, leading to some aimless wandering at times, got a bit trying at times but it’s not much different than many other games of this type either. If you’re looking for something to enjoy at a slow and deliberate pace, while providing you periodic bursts of challenges for both your mind and your action reflexes, forma.8 is a perfect fit.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Piczle Lines DX
Aug 24, 2017

In the end Piczle Lines DX is one of those games where, with the nature of its puzzle challenge, you’re either already interested in it or likely haven’t even bothered to read this far into a review because it doesn’t seem appealing. For puzzle fans there’s very little I can cite as a downside, the challenge ramps up pretty quickly, and you’ll have to use your deductive reasoning to come up with strategies to attack puzzles efficiently and with a solid plan to be successful. Add in the sheer volume of content and you’ll be able to enjoy it for quite some time. Puzzle fans rejoice, the game may be “simple” but it is a winner!

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Aug 28, 2017

While all of the Party Packs have been a load of fun I’d say it is truly a close horse race between Party Packs 2 and 3 for the title of best overall. While I’d thought I’d have given Party Pack 3 the edge before I’d played the entire collection in 2 I’m now thinking that Party Pack 2 may be the best by a nose. While tastes will vary depending on who you are or who you play with I don’t really think there are any outright clunkers in this Pack, though perhaps Bidiots isn’t as fun as I would have liked and Bomb Corp. won’t be a winner for all groups. In the end I’m actually very impressed with them all, would recommend each one of them, and think you’ll need to carefully review the specifics about the games included in each Pack to make the best determination for yourself and your group.

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6 / 10.0 - League of Evil
Aug 29, 2017

I can't generate much excitement for League of Evil when there are so many better games already on the system. Even without a classic Nintendo platformer in the mix the action/platforming genre has strong competition and the list of known titles coming to the Switch just this year will bring even more. I wouldn't say that League of Evil is impossible to enjoy, different things appeal to different people. However, since the control on the Switch continues to feel as loose and imprecise as a mobile game I'd say if you're interested in the game you should first invest in it in that space since it is so inexpensive there. If you really can't get enough of it, want more, and would like to try your hand at creating your own levels then by all means pick it up on the Switch to further explore and expand your experience. League of Evil isn't without merit but in this case it hasn't shaken off enough of its mobile roots to clearly make it worth recommending on the Switch specifically.

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3.5 / 10.0 - Boost Beast
Aug 29, 2017

The truth is, even if the game looks appealing to you in some form, if you have a smartphone of an average size you're far better off getting the game in that space. It's important for the Switch to have a diverse lineup that includes something for everyone. Unfortunately in the case of Boost Beast, even lacking an alternative for a simple and traditional match-3 experience, I have a hard time recommending it to anyone.

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7 / 10.0 - The Bridge
Sep 5, 2017

Overall I appreciate the care and effort that has gone into making the game as visually stunning as it is while also providing an ample puzzle-solving challenge. While from puzzle to puzzle individual results will likely vary, with some solvable on the first try and others requiring you to take a break to return to it later with fresh thoughts, a lot comes down to how each person chooses to approach them. At the end of the day if you immerse yourself in the challenge, and leave your mind free to toy with different potential ways to solve the problems put before you, The Bridge will give you numerous hours of thought-provoking enjoyment.

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Sep 7, 2017

The question for you when considering Lichtspeer is whether you enjoy being challenged and whether you mind that the game ultimately revolves around getting very good at aiming and firing your speer...

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Sep 8, 2017

While RBI Baseball 17 is the first game of its kind on the system I have substantial reservations with recommending it even to die hard fans. It really feels like all of the love and substantial efforts in the game were geared towards making the most of the license, not on making a game that is fun to play. Perhaps against a friend you could both muddle through games on equally bad footing but in general I struggled to get into any kind of meaningful groove no matter what team I chose. My understanding is that this has been a faltering franchise on the whole, it seems like the best thing to do would be to go back to the drawing board and try to find some passion, the game is really a disappointing mess.

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