Sara Boardman

27 games reviewed
81.5% of games recommended
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Recommended - Macbat 64
May 16, 2017

There's no fatalities, no headshots... Macbat64 is honest good fun in the same way you enjoyed roaming about with a bear and a bird in his backpack once upon a time. But £5 for an hour of gameplay? That part would be left up for you to decide!

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Recommended - Unexplored
Mar 13, 2017

Unexplored harnesses quite a bit of random generation and really makes it work for it. The dungeons are fresh and new every time, the puzzles shift and keep you on your toes. It's also worth a mention that aside from the main game, you have the option to play weekly and daily dungeons, which if you're a daily monster like I am, is incredibly fun to have at hand. It keeps it new and addicting, something that I think is a must with this type of game.

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Essential - Exit the Gungeon
Apr 28, 2020

Devolver Digital seems to always bring the goods to the table, and I'm pleased to report that Exit The Gungeon is no different! A pixel roguelite shooter that peppers in a heavy bit of bullet hell, this title will do all it can to make you bend your knee to it. Exit The Gungeon is fantastic, brutal and we've got it in the palm of our hands with the Nintendo Switch version.

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Essential - Dead Cells
Sep 4, 2018

Fighting in Dead Cells is an unavoidable showcase of the game. With every different enemy comes their own flair on how they come at you. Some will have shields that deflect, others throw energy bombs. Even the most simplest of baddies toss their entire bodies at you, like a meaty, gelatinous bullet. Every fight requires careful strategy and razor sharp reflexes. Getting hit even once can send you into a spiral of pain that leads to only one place--back to the beginning of the game. It's a brilliant and brutal system, and I would be lying if I said it wasn't utterly addicting.

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Essential - Two Point Hospital
Sep 8, 2018

Diving in, you're put into a campaign type mode where you go from hospital to hospital with different scenarios and challenges to work on. As you move from one to the next, you start to notice that you're in a living tutorial that never really feels too heavy or confusing. All the introductions of game mechanics gently trickle in, giving you plenty of time to learn as goals urge you to implement them as you go along. This is something that I'm absolutely raving about--the rate at which you learn how to run new equipment and gather unlockables is at a fantastically thorough pace. Have you unlocked something later down the line but wish to use it in a previous hospital? No problem! Just go back to whichever hospital at any time and you can drop whatever you've earned back into it. All the unlockables and research span across the whole account, which is brilliant and makes going back into your first hospitals so much fun.

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Sep 28, 2017

ArenaNet really listened to the players on this one. They took great care to craft something to be proud of, and I believe that shows ten-fold. They're listening and watching and really striving to create an expansion unrivaled. It's more than worth the play--hours of content, amazing rewards and fantastic surroundings. This is the expansion that Guild Wars 2 deserves.

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Oct 3, 2017

An absolute gem of a game to play--Jettomero doesn't take long to dive into, nor is it too deep. You're a robot who is slightly confused on everything around it, blasted into a galaxy you don't know, and events taking place around you with the human civilization that you haven't quite caught up on yet. It's an adorable story that unfolds like a comic book, with super hero pacing that can only leave you feeling pumped up!

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