Nathan Anstadt

30 games reviewed
73.3 average score
75 median score
48.3% of games recommended
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There are enough small grievances I have with the game that hold it back from being truly great, but the tone and setting are so charming that it's hard to be too mad at it. If you want to do some peaceful meandering during your commute, the Switch version is easy to recommend.

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65 / 100 - Jack n' Jill DX
Oct 8, 2018

As an anachronistic curio it fits well among a growing stable of small, simple experiences to take on the go. Getting it off the phone and onto dedicated game consoles lends it an air of importance that the game design doesn't always back up, but it has an endearing style and gratifying challenge enough to warrant reuniting the two oft-imperiled blobs.

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60 / 100 - Figment
Jun 27, 2018

Figment's mechanics are woefully underdeveloped, but the rest of the game is so cohesive and often brilliant that it's difficult to dismiss out of hand. The ambient soundtrack, and especially the boss songs go a long way and are worth playing through the slight, five hour game to hear if that interests you at all. If not, the gameplay can be downright boring at times.

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Torna: The Golden Country is an ambitious addition to an already enormous game, but by stripping away many of the features on the sides of the experience, you're left with a game that never quite finds the highs present in the original game. The story was fun, if hammy at times, but worth seeing. I only wish they had taken better advantage of the excellent changes to combat here to deliver more on the faster-paced combat rather than the dull and laborious side quests.

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55 / 100 - Mulaka
May 7, 2018

The team at Lienzo has built a beautiful and fascinating glimpse into an overlooked and forgotten culture that is immediately endearing. The game they built to support that, though, is disappointingly shallow and clumsily constructed. It's nice to see game development coming out of Mexico, and I look forward to what they are able to do next, but Mulaka doesn't have the chops to make the game worthwhile.

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50 / 100 - Semblance
Jul 24, 2018

Semblance lets you deform your platforms to solve puzzles how you want, but it limits your tools so severely that the promise of that idea is wasted on mediocre puzzles. It has a neat look, but like its core mechanic, it wears thin even before you get to the end of your two hour trip through the game.

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The Forge is a disappointingly brief and underwhelming add-on to an excellent game. What is there is technically good, but hard to recommend as content that Square Enix is asking you to pay for. I'd recommend holding off to see if the rest of the season pass is worthwhile or if you should pass on it entirely.

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Jan 6, 2019

The Last Remnant is an interesting experiment in expanding the traditional turn-based battle system, but there are enough annoyances in that system and weaknesses in its setting and characters to keep this from reaching the heights it's clearly reaching for.

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Nov 5, 2018

Honestly, the nicest thing I can say about Heavy Fire: Red Shadow is that it's over in two hours. It is at least technically playable with some interesting mechanics. But even if you are specifically looking for a wave-based, arcade-style turret game, I'd still stay away. This game offers little of value and is fun only if I stretch that word beyond its absolute limit.

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The game fully understands what makes it fun, and it does everything it can to empower the player to see that with as few restrictions as possible.

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