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WitchSpring R

Sep 26, 2023 - PC
Noisy Pixel
8.5 / 10
Rectify Gaming
10 / 10
Capsule Computers
8 / 10
IGN Korea
8 / 10
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Critic Reviews for WitchSpring R

An adorable, hilarious, and charming little gem of a game that punches above its weight in nearly every regard.

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Noisy Pixel

Unknown Author
8.5 / 10.0
Noisy Pixel

WitchSpring R showcases a brilliant gameloop of balancing its story progression with its many systems. On the box, it may seem like too much information to retain, but in practice, it all blends seamlessly together to never hold the player back from progression. The adventure is massive, too, with a lengthy campaign and a large connected world with plenty to explore. I’m glad it’s not just Pieberry’s illustrations that received the remastered treatment, and the developers put together something truly fun for fans, both new and returning.

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Rectify Gaming

Will "fncwill"
10 / 10.0
Rectify Gaming

WitchSpring R is a video game that defies expectations and sets a new standard for the RPG genre. Its captivating narrative, freedom of choice, culinary exploration, hidden stories, and enchanting magic system combine to create a gaming experience that is nothing short of breathtaking.

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WitchSpring R is a charming RPG with solid gameplay and a wonderful cast, serving as a great reboot looking to draw in new fans and will delight those that have played the originals.

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With cute and affectionate visuals and a casual friendly character building system, some of the classic RPG meta such as inconvenient item combinations and bland turn based combat were at least given a polished look with specific tutorials and 3D artistic designs. With plenty of eye candy elements, the immersion during gameplay is also pleasantly rewarding.

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