EA Sports UFC 3 Reviews

EA Sports UFC 3 is ranked in the 71st percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
8 / 10.0
Feb 8, 2018

The game’s complex mechanics can be rather intimidating and a chore to learn for those who are simply looking for a simple fighting game. UFC 3 is anything but simple. Whether that’s good or bad can be up to you. If you’re not fond of having overly complicated mechanics like this, this might not be your game as you will feel rather dizzy at times trying to learn even just the basics. But if you’re looking for an intense fighting game that covers many areas of MMA, this just might be the game for you.

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Feb 12, 2018

It’s hard to imagine UFC fans not getting something out of UFC 3 – after all, there aren’t really any other options. Were this an annualised franchise, I’d perhaps recommend waiting until 2019 as this feels like an entry that, with some more development time, could be all-encompassing. However, with a 2-year release cycle, there’s no reason for fight fans not to take the plunge right now.

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SA Gamer
Ashwar Jacobs
8 / 10.0
Feb 7, 2018

UFC 3 is here with a point to prove. That point being that it is the most accurate representation of the MMA franchise to date, even with its grapple and clinch mechanic issues.

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Feb 5, 2018

EA SPORTS UFC 3 doesn’t provide a massive change over last year’s entry other than the few extra game modes and the striking system, but the changes that have been introduced are certainly for the better.

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9 / 10.0
Jan 31, 2018

All that has to be said about UFC 3, is that it is the grandiose, and robust MMA sim, which most were waiting for, since the release of UFC 2009 Undisputed. It features intuitive and explosive stand-up gameplay, which beautifully coexists with all the ground-game mechanics. And while some armchair pundits, may still moan about how simple ground and clinch based manoeuvres and holds are. Then it has to be underlined that the so-called simplicity, ultimately allows the title to reach wider audience, which won’t feel intimidated by unnecessarily confusing submissions or takedowns. And while the highly anticipated Ultimate Team, may be a Stockton slap in the face of many, it can ultimately be overlooked, and those who skip it, will not be missing out on anything significant.

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9 / 10.0
Feb 1, 2018

At the start of this review I questioned whether UFC 3 was the best entry in the series so far, and without a shadow of a doubt I can say the answer is yes. Not only does the game feel more authentic than ever with its improved visuals and striking, but it also features a career mode that’s genuinely exciting and a whole host of brand new features that improve the game ten-fold. It still has its flaws here and there, with the ground and grappling game a little underwhelming and some aspects of the Ultimate Team mode a little uninspired (for me anyway), but this really is the best MMA game that EA have ever released and one that embraces the excitement of the sport both in and out of the octagon. Whether you’re a casual fan, a hardcore mixed martial arts enthusiast, or even if you just love Conor McGregor – you won’t regret giving UFC 3 a purchase.

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7 / 10.0
Feb 5, 2018

UFC 3 has made many improvements to the previous version, both in appearance and performance, from models of wrestlers with the distinctive design and the festive atmosphere before each game and the large number of modes to play available either to play single player or multiplayer, but the game is not making any radical changes in some Gameplay elements such as ground clashes and explicit reliance on the procurement system in the Ultimate team mode.

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