Streets of Rogue Reviews

Streets of Rogue is ranked in the 86th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
10 / 10.0
Jul 1, 2020

How many games allow you to assassinate people as a Ninja, throw toilets at people as a Wrestler, and chloroform people as a Doctor in the same game? Just one, and it does so in complete expert fashion. At full price, the game is just $20, which is an absolute steal.

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Jul 19, 2019

If you want a tiny, varied Deus Ex that will make you laugh, this is it.

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Jul 26, 2019

Special items come rapidly, through many different means. I am gifted a boombox early in the game that I can turn on to force my enemies to groove to the tunes. Each item offers genuine strategic options while maintaining the general sense of goofiness and surprise.

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Jul 16, 2019

What if Retro City Rumble and Shakedown: Hawaii were merged with Rogue? The answer is one of the more unique roguelikes on Switch, and boy, is it fun.

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