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Real Game Media

87 games reviewed
78.1 average score
78 median score
74.7% of games recommended

Real Game Media's Reviews

May 26, 2016

Before their mobile fame from the Infinity Blade franchise, Chair Entertainment produced in 2009 a game called Shadow Complex on Xbox 360 through the Xbox Live Arcade program. The game was very highly praised, and even received many nominations into the “Game of the Year” category. So the release of a remastered game 6-7 years after the original, on PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4 is considered good news. I didn’t own an Xbox 360 console back then, but now have the chance to discover this gem from the past on my PS4.

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10 / 10.0 - Party Hard
May 23, 2016

Party Hard's narrative follows the killer across the country. The story is deliberately silly and unbelievable, the voice actors are hilarious, and there's plenty of self-deprecating humor going around to lighten the mood. It's a major part of what makes the game unique.

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9.5 / 10.0 - Ratchet & Clank
Apr 26, 2016

From the moment you load up Ratchet and Clank you are smacked in the face with absolutely stunning and vibrant graphics. I instantly started smiling and continued to do so for that long I lost count of time. Ratchet and Clank follows on from the original story that we played through back in 2002, however this is not simply a remake/remaster, it's an entirely new experience regardless of if you have played the original or not. Made from the ground up to showcase the power of the PlayStation 4, Ratchet and Clank exceeded all of my expectations which were already set very high based on the trailers I had watched on the lead up to release day.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Quantum Break
Apr 11, 2016

Microsoft had been holding this exclusive title close to their chest and it's been in hiding for a long time showing these glimpses of greatness in demos. Do you get what's advertised, a time bending thriller of a shooter? Yes.

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Mar 8, 2016

Layers of Fear does a great job of establishing its own world. Its creative utilization of both classic and original art was used to create an odd, yet intriguing theme. There is something inherently creepy, dark and strangely beautiful about this game. It definitely redefines the term "monster" for its players.

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7.5 / 10.0 - Far Cry Primal
Feb 23, 2016

Ubisoft promised a new feeling with Far Cry Primal, and in some sense they weren't completely wrong. Some mechanics of the game do feel slightly "copy and paste" from its earlier games – Far Cry 3 and Far Cry 4, but it does bring its own taste and twists that puts this game in its own category.

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9 / 10.0 - Blue Estate
Feb 10, 2015

Blue Estate has taken this technology and run with it, creating a Time Crisis-esqe style game that is full of quirks and humor. This is the first of what I hope will be many next gen rail shooters for the Xbox One. Based on the comics from Viktor Kalvachey, Blue Estate harnesses the motion detection technology in the next gen Kinect to allow you to feel more involved in the game and also proves for some very entertaining moments when you can't quite work out what to do and find yourself doing 'the robot' dance moves unknowingly in front of your family.

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