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Games Xtreme

209 games reviewed
81.3% of games recommended

Games Xtreme's Reviews

Essential - Wargroove
Feb 22, 2019

So, Wargroove. It's a fantasy themed strategy RPG, built around commanding armies and claiming territory in a style more like RTSes than, say, Final Fantasy Tactics. It's a grid-based game with unit manufacturing, income, and objectives. Mechanically, how it works is pretty simple; You've got basically three kinds of buildings. Your stronghold, which if destroyed you lose the game; Unit-producing buildings; And villages, which produce money. At the start of a given match, you have a tiny little set of basics, just enough to start getting your first buildings locked down. Unlike the RTS comparison, here the buildings are all fixed, and you take a unit to them and capture them for your own use.

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Essential - Farm Together
Jan 31, 2019

The game has been designed to take all of the hassle out of farm sims, to present the bare-bones, yet lavish enough love and attention to the product so you want to keep on playing - to grow the next crop, to get the next cool thing, to level both yourself and your farm and even then, keep on making money to unlock the higher tier items. There are no experience boosters you can buy with cash, there's no shortcuts you can do in this game - you have to play it - and in the game industry full of Ubisoft's time-saver packs, EA's short-cuts and publishers clamouring on about how no one has time any more to play games and unlock all the things - it's a refreshing game to play.

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Games Xtreme
Stuart Bell
Feb 20, 2019

In a recent interview with creative director of Roll 7 studios, John Ribbins, he describes a bit of his own personal experience as a lifelong skater. This is something that can be seen in every aspect of the OlliOlli bundle. Especially the central focus on pulling fun tricks, and doing so with perfect timing. It feels like an idea worn to perfection over decades of work. Ribbins actually describes having coded a functional version of OlliOlli at around age 13. The core concept being a fast, twitchy arcade game that felt "true to skating". This idea still shines brightly in today's version of the game, and is not done through the inclusion of things like Chad Muska with a boombox, or an un-lockable version of the new Vans 2019 catalogue. Roll 7 chose instead to "make a kickflip look like a kickflip". They chose to make a skating game that focuses on pitch-perfect timing and playing with our desire to cram just ONE more trick into our combo.

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Essential - Cat Quest II
Oct 17, 2019

Welcome to a land full of adventure and vicious foes. You play the role of two kings who must take back their lands from Lioner the Purrsecutor and Wolfen the Labrathor. A world where cats and dogs reign supreme and have battled for years over an ancient sword. Felingard the land of the cats and Lupus Empire, land of the dogs, lay full of riches and gear. Explore dungeons, collect top gear and magics.

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Games Xtreme
Jamie Hendrix Roberts
Oct 16, 2019

honestly hadn't had so much fun playing a portable game in a long time. I was really surprised that the game runs so smooth on the Switch, I can't comment on the PC version since I don't actually own it. Normally with some games on the Switch you do notice some performance issues but with this game there were none. Of course, its not the game with the most advanced graphics in the world but that doesn't mean they can't be beautiful and beautiful they are.

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Essential - The Surge 2
Oct 9, 2019

You awake in a weird lab dressed in gowns and this is where you make your character. Face, hair color etc. You were the only survivor on a plane crash, after that, not much is revealed. The hospital is deserted except for the insane enemies. You'll have to fight your way through these guys. It took me more than a couple times to even get past the first part. No weapons in hand and no armor, you will rely on your fist.

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Oct 21, 2019

This is a most exciting game indeed. Yooka-Laylee is a classic and is fun for all ages. In this adventure we have two ways of playing. Platformer mixed with Open World 3D. The first thing someone will notice is that we start off in a platformer style genre, but after completion you will get a whole lot more out of the game than just running back and forth while jumping and rolling around obstacles.

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Games Xtreme
Cal Corkery
Oct 21, 2019

As someone who played Ghost Recon Wildlands, it's hard not to make a comparison. The games are similar, but Ubisoft have put a lot of work into making Breakpoint a deeper, and more rewarding gaming experience. The game world is rich and detailed, and packed with places to explore and things to do. Right from the get-go, the world is open to you. There are no walls or invisible barriers (except for one of the islands that seems reserved for end game activity)

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Games Xtreme
Ben Coleman
Essential - Luigi's Mansion 3
Nov 18, 2019

As you progress through the game, the story is about luigi trying to rescue his friends, who have all been put into picture frames. So armed with his handy Polterguster 3-00, the third of its kind, handy as this is the third game in the series. Luigi progresses through the hotel, one floor at a time, gaining access to the next floor of the hotel once the previous "boss" ghost of each floor has been sucked up and dropped the floor button for the lift. Each floor has its own theme to do with the hotel, but personally I believe that Nintendo run out of hotel themed floors, or didn't want people to just keep inspecting random hotel rooms filled with beds for the whole game. So when you reach floor 4 and higher, the rooms becomes different each time with some ranging from museums, film studios, to even a full on pyramid. This makes the game so intriguing to find out what awaits you on each floor.

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Essential - Dead Cells
Sep 4, 2018

Fighting in Dead Cells is an unavoidable showcase of the game. With every different enemy comes their own flair on how they come at you. Some will have shields that deflect, others throw energy bombs. Even the most simplest of baddies toss their entire bodies at you, like a meaty, gelatinous bullet. Every fight requires careful strategy and razor sharp reflexes. Getting hit even once can send you into a spiral of pain that leads to only one place--back to the beginning of the game. It's a brilliant and brutal system, and I would be lying if I said it wasn't utterly addicting.

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Essential - Terratech
Aug 29, 2018

Absolutely brilliant. This game, the concept and depth kept me hooked. Its always interesting to see what I come up with and which enemy has a piece I've never seen before and taking it from them. I like this game a lot. Two thumbs up.

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Nov 21, 2019

Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order is a great example of what a solid game developer, time, passion, and virtual hands-off by EA can do for a Star Wars game. No hidden charges, no bullshit micro-transactions or loot box rubbish -- just a solid game that entertains and rewards a player for playing it. Top quality!

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Essential - SNK Gals' Fighter
May 12, 2020

So now we gotta talk the bananas part. Bananas in a good way. Gal Fighters originally did 2P via link cable. You both had to have a Neo Geo Pocket Color, and a copy of Gal Fighters on you, plus the cable. Yeah that's not happening. And in the modern day, it's made the game tragically difficult to enjoy properly. So how does the Switch port handle things?

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Essential - Exit the Gungeon
Apr 28, 2020

Devolver Digital seems to always bring the goods to the table, and I'm pleased to report that Exit The Gungeon is no different! A pixel roguelite shooter that peppers in a heavy bit of bullet hell, this title will do all it can to make you bend your knee to it. Exit The Gungeon is fantastic, brutal and we've got it in the palm of our hands with the Nintendo Switch version.

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Games Xtreme
Jamie Hendrix-Roberts
Essential - F1 2020
Aug 7, 2020

The tracks in general still feel and look amazing, the sounds of the cars are still high quality as always (nothing compared to the sounds of the cars back in 2008), the gameplay is still addicting and fun, I also gave that new assisted driving mode a try, where it aggressively helps you stay on the racing line. When I tried this just to see what its like, I immediately turned it off, obviously I wouldn't need that since I've played these games for years but I personally don't think it's a good thing to use for new players, they should just jump in and get used to the games mechanics as it is.

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Essential - Desperados III
Jun 18, 2020

Desperados 3 is the leader of the pack in this genre. A quality game, tight controls, excellent story and addictive puzzle-based gameplay that rewards creative thinking when you clear an area of bad folks.

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Essential - Othercide
Sep 26, 2020

Anyone who has played a turn-based game will know what's coming, or at least know how to control their units and battle the forces of the Suffering. There's a decent tutorial which shows you many of the game's early elements, allows you to cut loose and find your feet. Then as you progress you will be given other tutorials, mixed in and these drip-feed the management skills and knowledge you need to get to grips with the other systems of the game. The tutorials are good, solid, and explain everything you need to know.

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Games Xtreme
Jamie Hendrix Roberts
Sep 15, 2020

For those who need an explanation, you and 59 other players are these weird, pill looking characters that you can unlock all different kinds of outfits and stuff for, and you all participate in trials that require you to be the best in order to progress to the next round. For example, 60 of you all together at the start line and ahead of you are about 20 see saws, you need to get across the see saws to get to the finish line, but of course you have 59 other people also crossing different sides of the see saw so it can either work in your favour or completely blow up in your face.

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Oct 12, 2020

It's clean and crisp and plays like a dream. I can't remember a single time where I actually saw a framerate drop, or a resolution fall, or any of the usual performance thieving tricks...And while I'm not the most sensitive to these things, I can usually at least see it if I'm looking for it. Does it get there by seemingly pushing the Switch to its absolute limits? Sure. Does it sometimes leave things a bit at the ragged edge, just barely keeping from having to drop performance somehow? Sure thing. Does it matter? No! The only reason not to play this game is if you want to start with the first one. Which I can't speak to the Switch port of that one, but if it's even half as well done as this one, it's gonna be a plenty good experience.

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Oct 15, 2020

I always loved my time with Amalur, and I am still loving my time with the Re-Reckoning. What with Dead Kell to dive into, and Naros, with ALL the DLC from the first run of the base game packed in with it there's a lot on offer here and the price is decent. You get a complete package, one that doesn't trick you through nostalgia. If you want to pay a bit more, you can also go for the full edition of the game and get the new expansion that's coming in 2021.

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