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160 games reviewed
74.7 average score
75 median score
80.6% of games recommended

SwitchWatch's Reviews

Jordan Humphries
75% - Shu
Jan 21, 2018

In conclusion, Shu is an earnest little platformer that tries its best to mimic the big boys and almost does so with it’s very solid gameplay and ability switching mechanics. It’s only a brief experience with not too much incentive to go back but at least it doesn’t outstay its welcome. It’s got solid presentation too and stands above other rivals at the same price point or higher. It’s not a game I will remember for years to come or anything, but it was a pleasant experience I’m happy to have had and, aside from a couple of frustrating parts, I’m sure you will too.

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Jordan Humphries
70% - ChromaGun
Jan 22, 2018

Overall, I think ChromaGun is a solid title that has a fairly unique presence on the eShop at this moment. If you’re into Portal or something like Q.U.B.E. then you’ll probably get along just swell with this one. It’s a simple concept that does make you think and it’s satisfying solving the sometimes difficult puzzles. On the other hand, the steep price will, and should, make you think twice when it’s available on other platforms more affordably. You can also claim they haven’t done enough to scale the game up visually for the Switch. In that regard, ChromaGun gets a decent seven out of 10. If the price is cut down in the future then you could consider adding a half or one to this score, but as it stands, that’s my feeling on ChromaGun.

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60% - Vesta
Jan 24, 2018

Vesta offers a good puzzler experience with fun dual character gameplay and a nice and steady progression curve. For the positives however we have some performance issues and generally frustrating controls that will turn some off. Overall the game is a nice way to pass a few hours but it won't be one you reach for after a playthrough.

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Jan 24, 2018

Overall, Tachyon Project is a surprisingly good twin-stick shooter. I think it’s got plenty to offer for fans of the genre with its health/time gimmick, a somewhat interesting story, lots of customisation, mission types and enemy variety. It’s got a lot going for it, including the cheap price. Yes, the battle arenas may be a little boring and taking damage from enemies as they spawn are obvious flaws, but they’re not enough to stop me from recommending it.

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Jan 25, 2018

Super Meat Boy is as good today as it was back in 2010. It's hilarious, challenging and frustrating, you will feel elation and be infuriated. It will test your platforming skills to the nth degree. There are only certain games that can take you through this wide range of emotions and it's why you come back for more every time. If you have never played Super Meat Boy then there has never been a better time than on the Switch. A game which was influenced and pays homage to some fantastic games of the past but stands tall alongside them.

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95% - Celeste
Jan 26, 2018

Celeste is one of those gems of a game which doesn't come around very often and is one of those games I talk about which will be remembered in years to come. Everything this game does, it does well, every decision the developer has made I cannot argue with or criticise. The story we can all relate too and identify with, which will make you feel more for the characters. The music is outstanding at creating an atmosphere which makes you believe you are up there on the mountain. It's beautifully composed. Many will say that these type of visuals don't belong in 2018, I would strongly disagree. This game showcases that you can still make a game beautiful without huge budgets. In any case, it's easy to overlook when the gameplay is this mesmerising and fun. This is a game everyone on Switch should own. It's absolutely essential and is the new standard to which 2D platformers should aspire too.

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Jan 28, 2018

I was completely enthralled with this game. It makes the most of its assets to create a dynamic RPG with characters whose personalities are changed by the journeys they embark on. The writing is deliciously dark and detailed, and the journal entries embellish this factor of the game perfectly. The art style is very detailed, and while the animations are simple, the camera zooming in dramatically at key moments makes it feel much more epic than it would otherwise. Darkest Dungeon will provide you with as many as 80 hours of gameplay thanks to how it cleverly employs procedurally generated content, permadeath and not forcing you to start the whole game over when your team dies. It is a stressful game and not for the faint of heart, but it features an easier mode for beginners. I found this to be one of the strongest indie games which I have played on my Switch, and it's score will reflect that. I'm giving it a 9.5/10. This game is fantastic and is worth playing for anyone willing to attempt to explore the darkest dungeon.

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Feb 1, 2018

Overall, Her Majesty’s SPIFFING is a pretty harmless game. It’s a simple way to spend a couple of hours if you want to sit back with a coffee and maybe have a few chuckles at the ridiculousness of it all. Even if it’s playing hugely on British stereotypes it’s very inoffensive. If you’re not into the genre then you’ll probably find the slow-paced nature of puzzle solving a bit of a bore, but adventure fans will lap this up I’m sure, especially if you’re British. It’s a shame it’s not a little longer and it will be a while before we get to see the second and third episodes in the series but you can’t expect so much from such a small developer and I find it impressive they pulled off such a well-presented package to rival other, bigger publishers.

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Feb 1, 2018

Overall, I enjoyed my time with Steamworld Dig. It isn't the best indie game I have played and it certainly doesn't stand up to its successor. However, it is a fun little game which will appeal to fans of the old West genre, it's open-ended exploration makes it enjoyable to wander around in, and it's randomly generated levels will provide players who wish to play it multiple times a varied experience each play through. The game suffers through its flaws by having an uninspired combat system and from a slow and boring start, but it comes together well after you start unlocking Rusty's abilities and the fast travel pods. In the end, I will give it a respectable 7/10.

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Feb 2, 2018

A Night in the Woods is a game which requires patience and is best savoured like a good wine or meal. There is lots to explore, many strands of story to uncover, and Possom Springs is a place with characters which just draws you in. Once hooked, it doesn't let go until the credits roll. Mae is an imperfect cat with many vulnerabilities and that's why the story resonates so deep; because when you play this there is no doubt that many will have experienced some of the things in this game. Even though it is a supernatural adventure these are just characters living normal lives with everyday problems which the writers have brought to the fore with an excellent written script. I can't promise that this will be for everyone, but I can confidently say that those that are willing to give this one the time it deserves will be richly rewarded.

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Feb 3, 2018

Overall, for the price, I think it’s not a bad game to take a punt on if you’re into turn-based strategy games like I am or are looking to spend a few hours with some light car combat. Sadly it’s nowhere near as compelling as say Advance Wars or Final Fantasy Tactics, but for £4.49 I’m struggling to find too much of a fault. The gameplay is okay and it does try its best to be a fully fledged title although it obviously lacks in a certain polish in quality that a bigger budget would allow. It tries presentation-wise with storyboards which is nice, but overall visuals are slightly below par. It's just average at best.

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Feb 6, 2018

The Longest 5 Minutes takes some big risks by changing the basic design elements of JRPGs. This is not a traditional JRPG even though it looks like one. To get the most out of this game, you have to do away with your preconceptions of what a JRPG should be. The story is the main focus of this game and literally, everything else is secondary. It is one of the most linear RPGs I have ever played. The equipment, magic and battles are solely there to propel you along as you piece together your history in the middle of an epic final battle. Just remember that your equipment and magic are predetermined at the start of each chapter so you can jump back and forth between them quickly and easily. If you play the game with this mentality and just focus on the storytelling, then it is very enjoyable. If you want an RPG exactly like the RPGs of old in which you had full control over the growth of your characters, then you will come away from TL5M disappointed. My key thoughts at the moment are that I am needing to alter my expectations of a JRPG to enjoy it. If I try playing it with the mentality that all of my actions such as buying equipment or finding things should carry over as it would in a normal RPG, I wouldn't be able to enjoy it. But, if I do away with those preconceived notions, don't bother with going out of my way to look for things and just play it by going straight from point A to point B, then I am enjoying it a lot more.

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80% - Dandara
Feb 6, 2018

Dandara is a game built out of passion and a strong identity. This shines throughout and its a great example of touchscreen use on the Switch and a fantastic game.

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lachlan bruce
Feb 7, 2018

Battle Chef Brigade’s recipe delivers an exceptionally tasty game. With its fiery gameplay, spicy story, and tantalising art direction, I would not hesitate to recommend this game off of the eshop menu. The cuisine was exquisite, and I was more than satisfied after the 15 hours this game took to cook to completion.

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Feb 8, 2018

Aperion Cyberstorm is a decent enough twin-stick bullet hell shooter and it's a much better experience shared with friends and family which is to be expected. It's a game anyone can pick up and enjoy. Campaign mode feels like it was a bit of an afterthought and if you are looking for a solo experience then there are better games out there. This though is the type of game I imagined the switch being great for, a few friends, lots of unique ways to set up and play, blasting each other to smithereens. For that, it surely has a place in one's collection.

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lachlan bruce
50% - Gunhouse
Feb 9, 2018

Gunhouse’s mashup of gameplay styles didn't work for me. The short 18-second puzzle window and lack of depth on the tower defence side made neither feel satisfying. The replayability was also low for me considering how repetitive the game quickly becomes. That said, there is a gorgeous art style and beautiful music, and people who enjoy short timer slider puzzles may find a lot of fun here. It is just unfortunate that fun eluded me.

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Feb 9, 2018

In conclusion, if you’re into point and click adventure games like Thimbleweed Park, TV shows like Twin Peaks or Stranger Things, film noir and slightly whacky humour, then there’s no doubt in my mind that The Darkside Detective is perfect for you. With its mini episodic style structure, it’s a good fit for the Switch and the excellent soundtrack from Ben Prunty make it an easy recommendation. Whether it’s as funny as other games it’s trying to emulate, I’m not so sure, and maybe the gameplay is a little too simple, but it’s still enjoyable and nothing falls flat.

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85% - Owlboy
Feb 12, 2018

Owlboy is a game which invokes many emotions due to its fabulous musical score, inviting visuals and a story which gets better with time as you get to know the characters. It's not the biggest challenge you will face and most will be able to complete the game without issue. The key here is the experience and on that count, this should be a game you consider to add to your collection.

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Feb 13, 2018

In conclusion, you already know what I’m going to say, Aegis Defenders is a genre mashup that works excellently. The transition between exploring, building and defending is seamless and it all fits together so well. It provides a solid challenging campaign that can be played by yourself or with a friend and either way, you’re going to have an exciting, super tense time. It’s wonderful looks and accompanying soundtrack make it one great little package for a decent price. Sure, it is a little overwhelming by the half way point and I think the friendly AI could have been programmed to back you up a little better but it’s still doable and if you like a really well-made challenge, you’ve got it right here.

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Feb 17, 2018

Overall, Bayonetta 2 was a classic for the Wii U and guess what, it’s still a classic for the Nintendo Switch. If you didn’t have the fortune (or misfortune, I guess) of owning a Wii U, this is the perfect chance to catch up with the series. It’s a game that deserves to be played by more people and hopefully will. As far as all-action games go this is definitely top tier and is unlikely to be beaten anytime soon, at least not until Bayonetta 3 is released. If you’re into action games, this is completely essential.

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