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435 games reviewed
81.0 average score
82 median score
60.7% of games recommended

Cheat Code Central's Reviews

The Wolf Among Us Episode 3 is once again another fantastic adventure game from Telltale games. No, there aren't many puzzles to be solved, so if you are looking for a more traditional adventure experience you should probably look elsewhere. However, if you want perfect narrative, wonderful characters and a plot that will keep you guessing, then this is the game for you. If you have already stuck through The Wolf Among Us Episode 1 and 2, you should certainly continue with 3, and if you haven't played any episodes of The Wolf Among Us yet, seriously consider picking up a season pass just to try this episode out.

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4.6 / 5.0 - Bayonetta 2
Oct 12, 2014

Despite the looming question about how well Bayonetta 2 will fare on the Nintendo Wii U, there is one thing for certain–if you're a fan of the series and own the console, you're in for a wild ride that will keep you stimulated for plenty of hours. It's absolutely a pure Bayonetta game, it's an absolute blast to play, and it absolutely belongs on Nintendo's growing roster of excellently crafted games for the Wii U.

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Aug 25, 2015

Gears of War: Ultimate Edition does little to pervert the gameplay formula of the original, as it is held fervently close to the heart by many a fan of the series. Instead, The Coalition takes the template and heightens its controls and visuals to a level that puts other games fresh off the press to shame. It's the same great game you loved nearly a decade ago, it just looks and feels a whole lot better.

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Mar 8, 2016

Cooperative play is a joy, an abundance of gear means your agent is ever-evolving, and an air-tight narrative set within a game world that is unmistakably Tom-Clancian provides a sense of purpose and urgency that makes it nigh impossible to put the controller down. You'll be like me soon enough: fighting off sleep as you recount recent battles with your friends and think about which branch of your base you'd like to upgrade next. It's an addiction as contagious as the fictional virus sweeping through The Division's New York. The wait was worth it, so get out there and gear up, agent. I'll meet you in Brooklyn.

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4.6 / 5.0 - Splatoon 2
Jul 18, 2017

The original Splatoon drew a lot of criticism for being light on content when it first released. Nintendo made sure the sequel did not draw that same condemnation. After hours in the single-player campaign, the cooperative Salmon Run, and dozens of Turf Wars, I'm still looking forward to every free minute I have to tackle a solo mission with a different weapon or hop into a quick PvP match for a few more coins to buy new weapons and fill my wardrobe. The closed off construction zones and empty alleyways have me intrigued as to what updates down the road will bring.

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4.6 / 5.0 - Forza Motorsport 7
Sep 29, 2017

Forza Motorsport 7 still has features that didn't make the deadline. Forzathon events, multiplayer Leagues, and the Auction House and Marketplace are currently listed as “Coming Soon”. However, what is already packed in is plenty of meat to digest, and no feature feels tacked on or a novelty. With a long and flexible solo campaign, quick multiplayer setups (including couch co-op), fun challenges, and lots ways to tweak your ride, wardrobe, and income, Turn 10 Studios continues to perfect their skill with another entry in one of the best racing series in the industry.

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Aug 29, 2017

Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle is a game that will surprise people. The level of quality and depth here is absolutely extraordinary. There are some very well thought out levels that involve doing more than just fighting one or two foes. The character movesets mean you'll have favorites you rely on often and others you find yourself needing for specialized situations. The campaign and hub are structured in a way that encourages you to return to retry levels or access new areas with recently acquired Beep-0 skills. It is one of the most charming and detailed games I have played in 2017 and I suspect it will go on to become one of the Switch's most memorable titles.

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4.6 / 5.0 - Torchlight II
Jul 9, 2020

If you had even the slightest interest in the original Torchlight, or if you're tired of Diablo III but are still itching for some more loot-grabbing RPG action, Torchlight II is well worth the asking price.

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4.6 / 5.0 - Blur
May 25, 2010

Blur is certainly an expansive title, and the more you play it, the more you get lost in it. I expected a lot from Bizarre Creations, considering the Project Gotham Racing series is considered to be one of the best automotive franchises of the past. However, in many ways Blur surpasses its predecessor, both in terms of scope and in accessibility. Blur's mix of strategy-based power-ups, load-out menus, and largely varied challenges really make this game a must for all automotive fans. In a genre this oversaturated, it is good to know that there is still some innovation left. Though Blur borrows some of its biggest ideas from pre-existing games, it blends them together in a way that feels completely natural. It may sound clichéd, but Blur is a title that is easy to pick up but hard to put down, and it is a must-buy for all automotive fans.

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Mar 24, 2015

That's really the golden thing about Borderlands: The Handsome Collection. It's just a great package. For newcomers to the franchise, as I said earlier, this is a great jumping on point. For the older fans of series this is not much beyond what you already know, but it is definitely worth a look simply because of the graphic upgrades and the new four player split-screen option. If this is not a reason to get a remastered version, I'm not sure what is. Just in case, though, remember you are getting two great games with an enormous amount of DLC. We're all hungry for more Borderlands, but until a new game comes along, Handsome Jack is happy to provide this quality interlude.

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4.5 / 5.0 - Evolve
Feb 10, 2015

Overall, I've had fun with Evolve for the time I've had it so far, and I'll probably have a lot more fun as time goes on, as much or more fun than I had with the Left 4 Dead series. If you are looking for a new shooter that is like nothing else on the market right now, it's definitely worth giving Evolve a shot.

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Anyway, my final take on the game is that Game of Thrones fans will love it. They will probably like it less if they aren't current, as the game will spoil a whole bunch of stuff for them. People who have only read the series might have some problems telling which character is which, and people who haven't experienced the series at all might get lost in a huge pool of names and events that aren't really explained. Even so, the narrative woven by Game of Thrones is a compelling one, filled with intrigue, conflict, and death… lots and lots of death. I'd highly recommend it to either fans of the books, the HBO series, or Telltale games in general.

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4.5 / 5.0 - LittleBigPlanet 3
Nov 17, 2014

LittleBigPlanet 3 is by far the best in the series. It is the breath of fresh air the franchise needed going into the next-gen cycle. I can't say that all future installments will feel this fresh and alive moving forward, but I can say I am glad this is where the franchise is at the moment. LittleBigPlanet 3 is more than a sequel, it is a reimagining of what the series can be, and in the end this is what LBP is all about.

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4.5 / 5.0 - Destiny
Sep 9, 2014

I could sit and talk about Destiny all day long, but my wife summed up best what Destiny was to gamers. "It's like Halo and Borderlands got together one night for some great fun and had a beautiful baby." I personally think she hit the nail on the head, but there are obviously a few things that imply other genres stepping in as well. It's because Bungie knows the areas they need to play it safe, and because Bungie knows the areas they want to attempt to explore and make better that I am glad this is the game I have waited for all year long, and why I feel this is another example of why the next-gen console cycle is ready to take off into new, exciting, and interesting ways. Destiny, simply put, might just be the game of year, but definitely makes you want to join the next generation.

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Jul 29, 2014

Simply put, The Last of Us: Remastered is just better than the PS3 version. If you are lucky enough to be experiencing The Last of Us for the first time, then you are in for an amazing treat. If you have already purchased the original game, then still consider picking this up. Heck, trade in your PS3 version if you can. This is by far the definitive version of the game, and if you can get the price reduced even a little bit it's likely worth your money.

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4.5 / 5.0 - Watch Dogs
May 27, 2014

Watch_Dogs has its up and downs. The game was designed to put control into the player's hands and it succeeded. I thought the concept was incredibly epic and it didn't leave me with that "I wish I could do this" feeling I get from some games. The power to play the game how you want is also a bonus. Also, if you're looking for a game with a ton of replay value, Watch_Dogs will definitely do it. While I figured Watch_Dogs would have been a more sophisticated version of GTA, it isn't. It can be frenetic at times and sometimes, that's all you need to have some fun.

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4.5 / 5.0 - Transistor
May 20, 2014

Like Bastion before it, Transistor is a lovingly crafted game by a dedicated and tight knit group of developers who strive not only to present us with a technically polished title, but one that keeps us interested throughout the entire journey. Though I personally would have liked more of a two-sided relationship between Red and the Transistor, I acknowledge the direction the designers were aiming for. Beyond that, the combat system is the most flexible and empowering I have seen in any game. Having dashed through the story in a mere seven hours, the New Game+ mode called Recursion allows me to keep my level and Functions intact, which is a good thing because there are still dozens of different combinations I'm eager to test out on the newly updated and tougher Process before me. At a bargain twenty dollars, Transistor is a refreshing and original adventure that every gamer should experience.

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Despite its issues, both technical and philosophical, I'm giving Freedom Cry a "must play" rating. I think it's an important start in tackling such a difficult and tragic topic via the medium of interactive entertainment. Few companies are brave enough to even bring up topics like slavery and genocide in a real-world setting. You should play it, and you should feel uncomfortable, angry, and sad while playing it. Adéwalé may not have been a real person, but this is our history, and the reality of slavery was even more brutal than the game depicts. Freedom Cry may stumble, but it opens up some important discussions that we should be having as gamers and human beings.

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I will say that Tales from the Borderlands: Episode 1 - Zero Sum didn't immediately grab me as a must see piece of game art like The Walking Dead and The Wolf Among Us did. However, it did grab me as a well written piece of game comedy, and those might be even rarer than the dramas, horrors, and mysteries we have seen throughout gaming's history. Tales from the Borderlands: Episode 1 - Zero Sum is undeniably fun, and I can't wait to see what further episodes bring. Until them, I AM THE CAPTAIN OF THIS POOP TRAIN! I'M GOING TO FILL YOU UP WITH BEES AND PLAY YOU LIKE A HARMONICA!

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May 20, 2015

Even with these complaints, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is one of the best RPGs I have ever experienced in gaming. There's so much to this adventure, you'd be missing out on a great experience if you pass it up. It's absolutely perfect for the current gaming drought, but even if it had hit with a handful of other triple A titles, I would still stand by this being the best game of the year so far, and it's going to be a tough one to beat.

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