Albert Lichi

299 games reviewed
59.3 average score
60 median score
34.4% of games recommended
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2 / 10 - Witch Thief
Jun 2, 2019

Witch Thief is the worst shoot 'em up this critic has ever played. It is barren of redemption, and is an unsightly blight on the Nintendo eShop. The outrageously long load times should be taken as a warning for anyone who wants to give it a chance, and hope there is some light at the end of the tunnel. There are so many quality bullet-hell titles available on Switch these days, courtesy of Arcade Archives, that nobody should need to be tormented with this one.

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Square Enix is not likely to ever make Final Fantasy games like X or X-2. They were the last of their kind that had involvement from Hironobu Sakaguchi, and his mark has been missing since his departure from the company. Xbox One is blessed to have one of the best versions to play what might have been the artistic highpoint for the Japanese RPG juggernaut. These hold up very well, and will keep a Final Fantasy neophyte's attention, should they look past some short comings like low-detail NPCs and some minor plot holes.

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Rock of Ages 2: Bigger & Boulder is an ingenious mixture of madness that is punctuated with highly entertaining animated sequences. The striking visual style that ACE Team is known for is distinct with just an acceptable amount of amateurishness keep it hilarious and memorable. Whether it's going up against another human or the AI, everyone should always throw rock.

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May 23, 2019

As far as 2D action games on the Switch go, Blaster Master Zero 2 is up there as one of the better options.

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May 21, 2019

Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen has its rough spots, but it dreamed big. It has much better action in it than most others of its kind, and it won't push players into becoming a murder-hobo. This is Hideaki Itsuno's big Dungeons & Dragon's campaign, and he is the DM. Gransys is a sizeable world with a lot to see and do, and that can now be on the go.

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May 11, 2019

The Division 2 may be making a mess on Tom Clancy's grave by betraying his highly conservative values, but what is here is a very competent and polished third-person open-world action game with a big emphasis on co-op. The value in this package is seemingly nigh on endless with the amount of things to do and see. Even the core gameplay loop, though simplistic, is satisfying enough to keep things stimulating, even when they feel monotonous at times. Just when things feel the most tedious, the end game content really mixes things up in a big way to reinvigorate the formula.

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Anyone who wants a quality Zelda-style action adventure game on their Switch is going to be better off with Okami HD. Darksiders: Warmastered Edition is a polished and shiny bronze medal. Fighting monsters is as standard can be, and what keeps things stimulating is the variety of the environment, puzzle solving, spectacle, and the exploration to be had. It is satisfying to stumble on a hidden chest and find some upgrade that War could use as it is in most adventures. Often entertaining but not exactly emotionally engaging, Darksiders takes itself too seriously.

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May 3, 2019

Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice is the breath of fresh air the "Soulsborne" sub-genre needed. It proves that stats, levelling-up, and equipment, is not what makes this kind of games.

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Apr 13, 2019

Yume Nikki: Dream Diary is a morbid, and profoundly engaging journey into a frontier rarely seen in games. It mostly succeeds with its concepts, and while the visuals might turn off most people, those who get accustomed to them will appreciate just how effective they are at creating a strong uncanniness to its atmosphere.

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2 / 10 - NightCry
Apr 7, 2019

NightCry should have been classic, instead it's an acquired taste... too bad the taste is rot.

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Apr 2, 2019

Those looking for a quality RPG are not going to be satisfied, as Death end re;Quest is something that is more geared towards visual novel enthusiasts that happens to effectively masquerade as an RPG from time to time.

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Mar 20, 2019

Riddled Corpses EX is one of those very satisfying guilty pleasures. It may be simplistic and braindead like the zombies in it, but it does everything so exceptionally that it becomes a full recommendation. Its lacking qualities are more than made up for thanks to the expedited game loop that wastes no time, and constantly challenges the user. The co-op features make it so even when things are at their hairiest, as a chum can still swoop in and give desperately needed back-up.

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Mar 20, 2019

While it is annoying that Bloody Palace mode is not available day one, it is coming as a free update on April 1st. Capcom has proved this gen that they are truly the best at 3D action games. They took some bold risks with the style and realistic flavour, and it pays off by taking on this new look that has never been seen before in any videogame. Even spectators are going to be extremely entertained by the spectacle that is Devil May Cry 5. Everything feels so fresh, and the advancements in the controls and fluidity in animation makes playing this refined masterpiece so hard to put down.

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The quest in RemiLore: Lost Girl in the Lands of Lore is inconsequential, and the only reason why anyone would play this is to have a cute hack'n slash with the utter bare minimum of rogue elements. Bringing a friend along will help keep things interesting, but there is just not enough substance to keep most hooked. It is too easy, and one has to play very carelessly in order to feel the rush of walking that razor's edge that comes with the better rogue-likes.

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6 / 10 - Observer
Mar 2, 2019

Observer could have been more. It has style and exceptional art direction, a creative premise but flaccid and unimaginative gameplay. Maybe this comes with the territory when it comes to walking-sims or first-person adventure games, but there really is no excuse for the lack of imagination because much older games have found ways to keep things fresh while adventuring. There is very little attention to detail when it comes to interaction and player-choice. Observer should have been like playing a pacifist run on the original Deus Ex.

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Momodora: Reverie Under the Moonlight is a fine example of the metroidvania sub-genre. Depth-wise, it does not quite reach the heights of Hollow Knight, but it far surpasses the likes of Xeodrifter. It's strengths lie in the action, and its charm. This is a fairly bite-sized affair, when compared to the competition, but it is a bite worth trying. With all the basics set in place for such a polished and well crafted entry, hopefully this will get a successor that expands on such a strong foundation.

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10 / 10 - Resident Evil 2
Jan 31, 2019

Resident Evil 2 on PlayStation in 1998 was one of the most enjoyable survival-horror games ever released. The remake continues that tradition and improves on all the aspects that made it great and the result is what could be the best Resident Evil ever made. It may even be the best horror title ever made just going by the sheer level of craftsmanship and detail. Is it the scariest? It is scarier than the 1998 original, but on current platforms such as PlayStation 4 one would be hard-pressed to find anything that's even half of its calibre. This is one that keeps on giving; highly repayable and full of interesting ways to keep playing, even after completing two campaign variations.

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Jan 25, 2019

Remothered: Tormented Fathers is wasted potential. This is supposed to be the start of a trilogy, and hopefully the designers will learn from this mulligan and make something that has a bit more polish next time. Chris Darril's heart is in the right place, and he is proven to be a very capable game designer - the next effort just needs to be more carefully thought out and play-tested.

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3 / 10 - Transference
Jan 20, 2019

Transference is wasted on Xbox One, since it does not support VR. It is not only unbelievably short, it is lacking in content and substance. It is a perfect example of a "one and done" kind of game where you never look back after completing it, and then forget all about it. It might get brought up later in life, but even then, memories of playing it will be foggy at best. Half-remembered dreams are more memorable than Transference.

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Jan 18, 2019

Is this the worst game on the Switch? It is very close. Ark: Survival Evolved is easily the most poorly converted game on the system, which makes it feel like it could be the worst. If things worked and it didn't look like computer generated vomit, it might have been an average survival game at best. Nothing would distinguish itself. It is unfortunate that the one aspect it has that makes it stand out is just how much of a porting disaster it has proven to be.

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