Thom Compton


Favorite Games:
  • Okami HD
  • Final Fantasy VII
  • Star Ocean: Till The End Of Time

187 games reviewed
63.0 average score
70 median score
25.7% of games recommended
Sep 10, 2016

Typoman: Revised is pretty close to greatness. A genuinely original idea, a breathing world, and a good flow get caught up by awkward movement and the occasional feeling of being detached. Still, pretty close to greatness is something to brag about. Make no mistake, Typoman: Revised is something the development team should definitely be bragging about.

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Sep 23, 2016

Ping Pong Trick Shot only wins points because it manages to function as an application. Beyond that, the gameplay is just an exhausted mini-game that doesn't even function well most of the time. The list of improvements needed to bring this to a passable application are numerous, suffice it to say, it would be advised to pass this one up.

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Tahira: Echoes of the Astral Empire is a niche title. It is for the people who enjoy learning deep systems, aren't too hung up on narrative imperfections, and want to unleash some justice. This will clearly not appeal to everyone, and many will find the barrier of entry simply not worth for what waits beyond. As for the rest, here lies an interesting and compelling tactical RPG, if there ever was one.

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Sep 23, 2016

Pixel Paint is a tool only the experienced should really consider. The lesson it teaches is to work within confined limitations. Unfortunately, newcomers to pixel art will likely find themselves spending more time trying to interact with the app than actually creating their masterpieces. Perhaps it shouldn't be as simple as drag and drop, but it should feel a lot more fluid than it does here.

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Oct 5, 2016

Space Run Galaxy isn't a bad game, just a confusing one. The ideas are all there, but the execution of those ideas feels both cumbersome and vapid. Controlling the ship is both simple and ferociously misleading. Enemies treat you like you are in training wheels. For anyone looking to get into the genre, this is a good jumping point, but hardcore fans will probably find this an attempt that will not satiate their long term hunger.

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8 / 10 - Syndrome
Oct 13, 2016

Players looking for a wholly original experience will not find it here. Syndrome doesn't do much to hide its influences. However, anyone that wants an excellent example of level design, some really scary enemies, and tension building, this should be a must-have. A few minor flaws aside, Syndrome is as much a love letter to the retro classics as it is to the modern ones. As for those modern titles, it can stand tall next to them as a survival horror juggernaut.

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Oct 14, 2016

Collide-a-Ball is mentally exciting, and a rare puzzle gem. It actually convinces the player they may have willed the puzzle solved, just by letting them experiment with the various options they have in front of them. Unfortunately, it's a cracked facade under cheap graphics and formulaic puzzles. Perhaps with a little shine and some added depth, there'd be something a bit more engaging here.

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Oct 14, 2016

Despite too much emphasis on the story to the point of feeling like a movie, Journey to Kreisia is a beautiful love letter to the JRPGs of old. If you're tired of riding the nostalgia train, there's nothing here to rope you back in—but there's plenty for those who want to explore the wonders of an old-school RPG.

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7 / 10 - Clustertruck
Oct 14, 2016

Clustertruck is an endorphin rush. While some of the rules at play feel too erratic and the visuals aren't quite the most exciting thing in the world, it seems almost frugal complaining about it. It's not really the point. The point is you have stepped into a traffic jam turned maelstrom, and it's fun to mess around in it.

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Oct 15, 2016

Jotun feels like a pretty face with no personality. It's huge, but what is found within is too often the player fighting the game, instead of fighting the monsters within. The feeling of elation is clearly there when each behemoth is toppled, but it's just not fun getting to that point. It's hard to tell if that elation comes from overcoming the monster, or from finally getting to move onto the next one. It's obvious, though, that the depth is there; it's just missing the substance.

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7 / 10 - Tempest
Oct 19, 2016

Tempest is enjoyable… for what it's worth. There are some issues that just feel like weird game design, but even though it's not perfect, it's still really exciting to manage every facet of your war vessel. It makes it feel like every victory was truly yours. It is clearly a war machine with some blemishes, but she's mighty fun to pilot.

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Sure, the title is long and the gameplay takes a bit to get used to, but this is a unique smaller experience that could fit into short breaks from the rest of life. Make no mistake, it's not the most inviting game, but it does make you feel like you are part of an exclusive club. An exclusive club that fought the base controls and found a fun little title hiding behind them.

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8 / 10 - Binaries
Oct 30, 2016

It may seem indecisive to say that this game is not going to be for everyone, as that's pretty much a given with any title. Binaries is distinct in that it's one of the rare titles that is incredibly fun, but a little commitment will be needed to find it. To the unexposed eye, it's just another hard puzzle-platformer. Scoop that dirt away, dig deep enough, and Binaries is an absolutely brilliant title that manages to be both enticing and rewarding.

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All in all, Inventory Manager: Future Technologies is just a lot of interesting ideas that don't amount to much. Perhaps as an idle or social game, it would work much better. As a so called "full" title, it just leaves a lot to be desired, almost like it's all the side dishes and none of the entree. It's easy to see there's clearly a game here waiting to bust out and scream "Play me", but this is merely the voice mail to that scream. It's almost like a large demo, and if fleshed out further, and the edges sanded clean, there might be more to recommend here. For now, it's just an idle numbers game, and it's not much fun to experience.

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Nov 20, 2016

Adventure Lamp isn't bad, it's just not adding anything of value to the genre. With wildly inconsistent difficulty, throwaway mechanics, and a lack of anything to lose, failure really doesn't feel personal. That's because it doesn't have enough payoff from overcoming its trials to really feel like you accomplished anything. That being said, it's still a fun game, and one that should not be overlooked. Just be careful where your expectations are set.

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For fans of getting together and playing with friends in the same room, Sombrero: Spaghetti Western Mayhem scratches an itch, but never really makes the itch go away. Even if none of the minor issues were present, there's still not enough content to justify sinking a lot of time into this. With more to do, this could be a must have, but right now, it's just not there.

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7 / 10 - Beholder
Dec 18, 2016

Beholder doesn't hold your hand, because the things you're doing could be considered heinous, or even uplifting; it's entirely up to you. This level of freedom is often teased, but not met. While there are issues that drag the game backwards, players should seek to overcome them, because this is a truly bleak world, and it has no problem letting you know it.

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7 / 10 - Thoth
Dec 18, 2016

THOTH seems almost upset you've come to see what lies in its depths. While it excels at creating tension and feelings of uneasiness, it occasionally feels like it was left unfinished on purpose, like it was meant to make you feel abandoned upon. This may be enough to turn away a lot of players, but still it's hard to match the feeling of dread as an empty vessel of your former foe hunts you down faster and harder than before. Non-shmups fans should pass by this gem, but be forewarned, because it seems at times, THOTH can't wait to see you fail.

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While navigating can be frustrating, and there's not a lot of variety in terms of missions, this is a great example of how to engage the player. The dialogue is charming, there are lots of side quests, and the story is very engrossing. Do yourself a favour and overlook the few flaws, for this great adventure far exceeds the issues it has.

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3 / 10 - Just Hero
Dec 19, 2016

Sometimes, what makes a game exciting is lost in translation. Difficulty can, but if it's handled poorly, it leads to something feeling broken instead of feeling fun. Just Hero feels broken, though some gamers may be able to view it for what it is: a small experience. Still, even a small experience should feel intact, and this just never does.

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