Gabriel Jones

Central Florida

Favorite Games:

226 games reviewed
64.6 average score
70 median score
37.6% of games recommended
May 29, 2017

inFamous: First Light feels almost like two games in one. One game has some good ideas, but tends to be a little dull and uneven. However, completing that first game is required to make the most out of the excellent second one. When playing through the story, the great controls and superb mechanics mean very little, because there isn't enough resistance to put them to work. However, the Survival Arena is absolutely wonderful. Not only is it loaded with thrilling encounters and satisfying action, it demands the player's attention. They're going to notice every moment, grab hold of every opportunity, and do whatever it takes just to survive a little longer.

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8 / 10 - Abzu
Dec 17, 2016

For anyone who has ever had an interest in marine life then ABZÛ is a required play. It's a stunning interactive aquarium with plenty of flair. The absence of restrictions allows for players to immerse themselves entirely in all of the undersea happenings. Every scene is an event to be cherished, and even the most minimal of interactions are memorable. There are a few moments that are so powerful that text or even a video could never hope to do them justice. If the concept sounds appealing, then don't hesitate to pick this game up immediately.

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Feb 17, 2018

Again, this critic is not a big fan of rogue-likes, but can still recognise quality when he plays it. Starward Rogue is an exceptionally-crafted shooter that is packed to bursting with hours upon hours of replay value. Each floor is inhabited by an array of nasty bots that are more than capable of filling the screen with tiny projectiles. However, thanks to the wide selection of playable mechs, as well as an assortment of awesome weapons and upgrades, gamers will always be suitably armed for the task.

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Oct 25, 2016

In short, God Eater 2: Rage Burst is a brilliant game for fans of monster hunting. While the post-apocalyptic storyline has a surprising lack of death and suffering, the characters are interesting and decently written. The dealings with adversity are fun, and taking down an exceptionally large and dangerous foe is always satisfying. The PC version's poor online is easily its biggest failing, and experts might scoff at the abuse prone Blood Arts, but there's still a lot of enjoyable qualities. This game perfectly captures the addictive "one more mission" aspect, and for anyone it manages to suck in, free time is guaranteed to become a thing of the past.

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8 / 10 - Headlander
Nov 21, 2016

Headlander probably won't be the best "Metroidvania" everyone has ever played, but it is one of the most unique. Its overuse of door-based progression is unfortunate, but is more than made up for by a plethora of inventive scenarios. This is all backed by solid controls and combat mechanics, which is always appreciated. The visual and sound design is reason enough to convince players not to quit until they've finished the game. The way everything comes together makes for an unparalleled sci-fi experience.

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Dec 12, 2016

This is a superb entry in what has become a remarkable platforming saga. The lush visuals are impressive to behold, and Jake "virt" Kaufman has outdone himself with yet another phenomenal soundtrack. The game itself finely balances both the action and adventure elements. With the amount of abilities involved, there could have been a little more creativity in how they're employed. Still, it's a mild complaint considering the amount of care that went into everything else. The pacing is efficiently handled. Shantae: Half-Genie Hero doesn't benefit from having checkpoints that must be repeated dozens of times, or thousands of shiny objects to collect. Everything has a purpose, and nothing wears out its welcome. All in all, this is a can't-miss title of the holiday season.

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8 / 10 - Rive
Sep 30, 2016

RIVE is, without a doubt, one of the finer action games released this year. It strikes the right balance between focused, but also playful. The player will be thrust into a constant variety of intense scenarios, all more difficult than the last, but only rarely will they even think, "That was a little unfair." There are plenty of ways to approach each situation, and there's room to experiment with weapons or exploit the enemy AI. The difficulty is well balanced, and the campaign is fluff free. Even the water section is good, and those hardly ever work in video games.

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Feb 7, 2017

While it struggles at times, Gravity Rush 2 is every bit as thrilling and creative as its astounding predecessor. Its players will be wowed by the gorgeous visuals, and every second spent traversing is an absolute joy. This game succeeds at keeping the player involved, not just in the spectacle, but also in the minutiae. A talent for darting through city streets without clumsily slamming into walls isn't necessary to complete the story, but it's rewarding in its own way. Kat's odyssey is one well worth undertaking.

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8 / 10 - Mad Father
Nov 13, 2016

Mad Father is a delightful surprise. It's rare to see a horror adventure that takes full advantage of its limited framework. The puzzles are easy, but they're also creative. They're appropriately themed, and they don't attempt to pass off leaving the player in the dark as some sign of depth. The sprite work is nicely detailed, and everything about the house exudes a high level of polish. The story is very dark and well-told, and gamers will probably experience a wide range of emotions. There are also plenty of genuinely scary and disturbing moments. All in all, this game is highly recommended.

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8 / 10 - Blue Revolver
Oct 11, 2016

Everything about Blue Revolver is well done. It nails the most important aspects, while looking and sounding fantastic. There's enough depth to the various sub-systems to keep experts entertained, but at the same time it doesn't put off or condescend newcomers. Within minutes, anyone can understand how it all works. The levels are thrilling, the bosses are tough, and the variety of weapons offers many different ways to play. This is a superb pick-up for STG fans, and there is even a demo available on the official website for those that want to try before they buy. It's well worth checking out.

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Oct 13, 2016

DoDonPachi Resurrection is a thoroughly fascinating 2D shooter. Its various systems compound onto one another to create a unique and very addictive experience. However, it takes a long time just to make sense of everything, let alone make it work to the player's advantage. At any moment, there's just so much that can go wrong, and even the best strategies are undone by the tiniest movements. Getting the most out of this game's many flavours will take a seemingly endless number of retries. It's a vicious cycle, but some gamers wouldn't have it any other way.

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Nov 22, 2016

Although Gregory Stokes hasn't managed to get his racing team out of 9th place, he still recommends that anyone who has an interest in being a Motorsport Manager to give it shot. It's a career that can be tailormade to suit anyone. All that's necessary is the right mindset. Naturally, they can't expect immediate gratification. There's also the possibility that they'll struggle to make any real progress. It does deliver a different sort of excitement, though; one that can't be found blasting alien invaders, or trading blows with a martial arts master. In the end, this is a career that revolves around setting goals and achieving them, while attempting to exceed expectations. The choices other managers make will differ from Greg's, which is what makes the experience so personalised and fulfilling.

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8 / 10 - Prey
May 11, 2017

Despite its issues, which should be addressed in short order, Prey is a stunning gem. Not since the venerable System Shock 2 has there been an immersive simulator that succeeds in everything it sets out to do. Talos-1 is masterful in both its construction and design. Players are given limitless freedom to approach every possible situation, lending the game unparalleled levels of replay value. Also, it's rare to see a purely single-player experience retain its freshness in the face of a lengthy play-time. This is just as compelling in the 30th hour as it is in the first.

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8 / 10 - Tekken 7
Jun 4, 2017

In short, Tekken 7 is a phenomenal fighting game, but it's not without issues. Players have hundreds if not thousands of exciting matches to look forward to. Grasping the complexities of movement and learning characters is an involved process that'll cause anyone to lose track of time. However, the developer continues to focus their energies on features that simply aren't worth the trouble. The Mishima Saga, with its cheap battles and dishwater dull story, is a relic from an era best left forgotten. The broken matchmaking is also a very serious issue, so hopefully it's addressed in short order. Still, this fighter is highly recommended.

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8 / 10 - OneShot
Dec 7, 2016

There's very little that can actually be said about how brilliant OneShot is. Be sure to stay well away from streams or a YouTube playthrough before getting the opportunity to experience it. Just expect to be treated to a thoroughly wonderful tale. Definitely consider checking it out.

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Apr 17, 2018

For gamers who still pine for the days of polished shoot 'em ups that leave nothing to chance, Wild Guns Reloaded can't be missed. It's proof that there will always be a place in the world for "thirty-minute videogames." Sure, it doesn't take long to reach the end, but the fun is in overcoming the impossible and doing it with style. The scoring system, while not ridiculously complex, does require players to make a lot of difficult choices. However, if they are willing to put in the work, they will soon discover that this awesome game will never let them down.

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8 / 10 - Bleed 2
Mar 19, 2018

Bleed 2 is a master-class in how to design a sequel.

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Over the past several years, DRPG developer Experience has become one of the leaders of the genre. With titles like Stranger of Sword City Revisited it's easy to see why. The original game was already quite good, so Experience took all of the feedback to heart to craft a thoroughly enhanced version. The changes make the adventure more accessible, yet at the same time they don't push away fans of the original; in fact, there are now more options to consider and new challenges to overcome. All in all, while Escario is a pretty lousy vacation destination for working on that tan, it's still a thoroughly fantastic city to spend a lot of time in.

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With every passing month, the library of 2D fighters on Steam grows exponentially. It's a wonder how anyone can keep up with this veritable flood. Nevertheless, an unfortunate number of games slip through the cracks, never receiving the love and tenderness that they need. It's too soon to say whether Chaos Code - New Sign of Catastrophe - will keep players coming back, but by every metric, it deserves a lot of attention. The roster is filled with brilliant characters, both in terms of design and fighting style. The mechanics and various sub-systems are superbly executed. The learning curve is gradual, so newcomers don't feel like they're in over their head. Conversely, experts have a great many techniques to work their magic with. Altogether, this is one fighting game that shouldn't be missed.

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8 / 10 - Snake Pass
Apr 2, 2017

It's natural and rewarding in itself, so the collectibles are merely the icing on the cake. Anyone seeking a different take on the platforming genre would do very well to check this game out.

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