Jason Coles

213 games reviewed
75.1 average score
80 median score
71.6% of games recommended
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May 11, 2021

Subnautica: Below Zero is a masterfully horrific experience that encourages you to push on despite your fears. It's a fine balancing act of the horrors you'll face underwater and the rewards you can get for evading them. It's really very hard, but it's also really very good.

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8 / 10 - Dandy Ace
May 6, 2021

Overall, I like Dandy Ace a fair bit, but the story doesn't do quite enough to drive you to do more runs, and there were a few times when things felt grossly unfair due to the sheer volume of enemies that some rooms spit at you. The card combination system is wonderful to use though, and that'll keep mechanically-minded players involved for a fair while with Dandy Ace.

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The Binding of Isaac: Repentance is an incredible achievement that goes beyond just being a DLC expansion. This is another load of thread connecting yet more pieces to the potential of the already brilliant base game. With all of these plates spinning, it's impossible to know how well a run is going to go at any given time, but it remains incredibly fun trying to figure that out.

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Apr 6, 2021

Trials of Fire is uniquely entertaining, and it's an absolute joy to play because every run is challenging, and every fight is a blast to play thanks to the intricacies and strategies you can develop. I wholeheartedly recommend it to anybody who's looking for a roguelike that's less action and more strategy, and especially so if you love a good TTRPG.

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I can't really recommend Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury enough. Whether you've played the original game before or not, the addition of online multiplayer is a big win, while Bowser's Fury is a testament to just how pure a Mario game can be while still feeling fresh and exciting. Put simply; this is an essential game for Mario fans.

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Feb 4, 2021

Nioh 2 - The Complete Edition manages to give budding yokai hunters even more to do, and whether you missed the PS4 version of the game or not, it's definitely one to sink your teeth into if you fancy a challenging experience.

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Jan 4, 2021

When you then add in the cute pixel art style, and the astoundingly good chiptune soundtrack, Monster Sanctuary not only blurs the lines between genres, but also between modern and old-school games. The story is a little light, but the gameplay is almost perfect, and this is an excellent monster-taming adventure and Metroidvania game all rolled into one.

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If you're coming to Fitness Boxing 2 fresh-faced and don't own the first game, then it might be worth picking up. However, if you played the first one or if you own Ring Fit Adventure, it's incredibly hard to recommend it unless you're really into thirsting over the instructors, all of whom you can still rather creepily dress-up and customise.

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7 / 10 - The Falconeer
Nov 6, 2020

I find myself a little perplexed by The Falconeer. I still thoroughly enjoyed my time with the game, but it almost felt like I was doing so in spite of how I felt about the gameplay. I do think The Falconeer is going to find an audience that loves it wholeheartedly, but also that there will be plenty of others for whom this falls a bit flat too.

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Oct 16, 2020

The thing I'm most impressed within this pack is that the quality of all of the games is so high. With most Jackbox Party Packs, there's one or two that you'll end up avoiding or that doesn't quite match up to the others in the bundle, but each game in The Jackbox Party Pack 7 offers something different and appeal to nearly everyone. You'll have an immense amount of fun with this pack, and it might just be the best Jackbox Party Pack yet.

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10 / 10 - Hades
Sep 17, 2020

Hades is one of the best roguelites of all-time. It's a phenomenal achievement in story telling, gameplay, and an absolute treat for both your eyes and ears. It's astounding, and it's always been fairly astounding through Early Access, but this final release cements it as one of the greats. If you like roguelites, and even if you don't, you should probably get in on this as soon as you can.

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Is it Wrong To Pick Up Girls In A Dungeon: Infinite Combat retells the anime well, but it stumbles in a few other areas.

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8 / 10 - Mortal Shell
Aug 17, 2020

Mortal Shell is just an incredibly satisfying experience. It'll punish you constantly, but if you can master the mechanics it lays out in front of you then you'll have an incredible time of things. The lore is a little more obvious that in other soulslikes, and the story it tells and the world it puts you in are both rather enthralling. This is definitely a game that fans of dying a lot will enjoy, but it's probably not for everyone.

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There are definitely some much-needed additions that come with the Isle of Armor, but it still feels as though it's the least amount of content possible. I love Pokémon, but this expansion has left me feeling a little bit cold on the whole thing. There's fun to be had, but unless you're committed to catching 'em all or grinding every Pokémon up to a competitive standard, it won't last very long.

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9 / 10 stars - Fort Triumph
May 7, 2020

Fort Triumph expertly blends genres into a strategy experience that's infinitely fun and endlessly charming.

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May 1, 2020

Despite the addition of NPCs and a load of new content, Fallout 76: Wastelanders is still just a painfully average Fallout game. That's not to say that things aren't better for the update, because the game at least feels like it's moving in the right direction, but it's building on top of the still rickety foundations of the original release. Ironically, things might be simpler if they simply nuked the game and started again, but you've got to respect the hussle.

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Mar 31, 2020

One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4 is not only one of the best One Piece games but possibly one of the best Musou games around.

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Mar 29, 2020

It’s equal parts enchanting and terrifying, and it’s sure to be one of the turning points in VR for many of us.

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Mar 24, 2020

Warzone is a fine example of how you can iterate on a formula and improve it, but remove the heart of something by playing it a little too safe.

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9 / 10 - Nioh 2
Mar 10, 2020

Nioh 2 builds on the excellence of the original with a fistful of new twists and ideas, from new Yokai abilities to full-on co-op through the entire game. Nioh 2 might well be the best Soulslike that isn't a FromSoftware game, and it's easily one of my personal contenders for Game of the Year.

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