Mark Fajardo

182 games reviewed
77.4 average score
80 median score
67.6% of games recommended
3.5 / 5.0 - Bladed Fury
Mar 24, 2021

Bladed Fury certainly has some flaws, be it extremely linear levels, arguably cheap bosses, and short (about four hours, though it can easily be done in two), but it isn't a bad experience. The art and design are interesting enough to suck players in and not let go, with bosses at least offering an engaging experience. It would be nice to see more depth or additional play styles but the base game is at least fun.

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Mar 4, 2021

Ultimately, Bravely Default II wants to put a fresh coat of paint on traditional ideas. In so many ways Bravely Default II accomplishes this, be it familiar overworlds or robust lands to explore, it's just that these concepts cut both ways. There isn't much that makes it stand out next to the games it's trying to mimic. As a result, those who love JRPGs will likely also love this, though those looking for a bit more will likely be underwhelmed.

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Mar 3, 2021

I had a lot of fun playing Curse of the Dead Gods and it's fairly addicting once you get the mechanics down. For better or worse, it is rather mechanic heavy that may or may not be positive. Often times it can be a bit convoluted and ultimately a less aggressive playstyle will make up for a passive one with the torch or being overly greedy. Given it's a great game to pick up and play and it doesn't take particularly long to get the hang of it, I strongly suggest giving it a go if you're looking for something to scratch that roguelike itch.

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3.8 / 5.0 - Pumpkin Jack
Mar 2, 2021

In all and all, Pumpkin Jack accomplishes exactly what it wants to do. It's a charming action-adventure game with a couple of amusing jokes and engaging gameplay. It can be a bit rough, both in mechanics and visuals, though nothing game-breaking like impossible jumps. It would be nice if it was a bit longer or more engaging, though for the money it's still pretty good.

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Feb 23, 2021

Unsurprisingly, Neptunia Virtual Stars hinges on what exactly you're looking for. If that answer is a quirky RPG with tight and deep mechanics, you'll likely be disappointed. However, if you just want a fun RPG that has amusing interactions and cute characters, it will likely be fun. That isn't to say Neptunia Virtual Stars is a bad game, it just doesn't particularly stand out in any positive or negative way.

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Feb 16, 2021

At its core, Fallen Legion Revenants is a good game. The ideas, story, and gameplay are all there, it just hinges on you being the type of a person it appeals to. For example, combat can be methodic and slow, though it rewards a tactical mind. The story is fascinating and has a lot to say, though it requires an interest in exploring the world to really get into it. As a result, there is a good chance you'll like Fallen Legion Revenants if you're into RPGs, but you need to fit one of the aforementioned molds to really love it.

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Feb 13, 2021

Unfortunately, there really isn't a whole lot to say about Little Nightmares II. You get a general sense of how the story is progressing through events and the world is interesting, even if contrast hides a lot of details, making it a series of rather basic puzzles and stealth sections to the end. Given neither are overly engaging, it can be a little underwhelming, but it also fits the concept. You're not some otherworldly creature moving giant rocks to get into an impossible place, you're likely some kid trying not to die to a bear trap or captured. As a result, fans of the original will likely love it, whereas newcomers or those looking for a harder experience will likely be underwhelmed.

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4.8 / 5.0 - Persona 5 Strikers
Feb 9, 2021

Persona 5 Strikers manages to add an exciting new chapter to the beloved title. Not only does it feel like a true crossover, rather than a reskinned version of another game, it genuinely brings out the best things both franchises have to offer. Combine this with great visuals, cool concepts, and striking cutscenes and it's a must for anyone who loves either game or just wants to play a Persona game without investing in an RPG. Sure, it might start off slow but it's an experience well worth the investment.

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For the most part, that is what Re:Zero -Starting Life in Another World- The Prophecy of the Throne comes down to. Fans will likely enjoy the new content, newcomers can enjoy it, though execution leaves something to be desired. Simply replacing the gameplay sections with character interactions would likely go far, especially when they do very little to sell the concept. As a fan, this is unfortunate, though I can at least respect that it attempts to capture what fans loved in the source.

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Feb 1, 2021

Despite Ys IX: Monstrum Nox having some faults, it still provides a fantastic experience. Once you get past the dated graphics and simple combat, it's an engaging game that has a fascinating story. It's the type of thing where mindlessly killing enemies is fun but the world is so interesting you'll want to see what secrets it holds. Add in some cute characters, interesting mechanics, and plenty to do and it's hard not to see the value in Ys IX: Monstrum Nox.

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4.3 / 5.0 - The Medium
Jan 27, 2021

Overall, The Medium is able to evoke the same kind of feelings you might expect from a game like Silent Hill. There are tense scenes and an eerie atmosphere that is engaging from start to finish. Naturally, there are some flaws, such as difficult puzzles, clunky controls or subpar stealth mechanics, but the deep story through the two worlds more than makes up for it, making it start as a strong showing for Xbox this year.

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Overall, Atelier Ryza 2: Lost Legends & the Secret Fairy is what you'd expect from a sequel. It builds on the base, continues Ryza's adventure, and holds true to what players love about the franchise. The performance boost found on the PlayStation 5 is welcome, as is the more dynamic gameplay, though it is still going to be an adventure that appeals to that specific demographic. If that is fine, odds are you'll have a blast seeing what the future holds for Ryza, whereas everyone else might want to sit this one out.

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4.3 / 5.0 - Hitman 3
Jan 25, 2021

Needless to say, Hitman 3 manages to stick to landing. The story concludes in an interesting and fun way, while holding true to what made the franchise so great. The additional options are welcome, as is the attention to detail, though those who couldn't get into the previous titles will likely dislike it. Toss in a lot of fun and alternate ways to complete a mission and it makes for a methodically fun time.

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Dec 14, 2020

On paper, there are a lot of cool things about Brigandine: The Legend of Runersia. Lots of characters, monsters, tactics, mechanics, elements, and more to play with. Seriously, it's overwhelming, to say the least. Where things fall off the rails is how much management is involved. You could, quite honestly, spend 20 minutes picking who to send get gear, which locations have the best monsters to summon, getting people to the right places, and deciding the ideal play to fight. That is a lot to ask from any player for a relatively unimpressive strategy RPG. When push comes to shove, the goal is to spend a bunch of time so when you move characters across a grid and attack whoever or whatever gets in your way, it won't end in total defeat. Maybe if there was more or it took longer for everything to unfold but in its current state, it really won't appeal to everyone.

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Dec 7, 2020

Overall, Immortals Fenyx Rising is a fantastic game and one of the better open-world exploration titles in recent memory. Combat is great, puzzles are fun and there is so much to see and experience that it's easy to get sidetracked. It would be nice if some of the puzzles were a bit less tedious, but I can hardly fault them for trying to offer a more engaging experience. So if you want a lovely world to explore, look no further than Immortals Fenyx Rising.

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To make it simple, there are really two ways to look at Heroes of Hammerwatch – Ultimate Edition. Either you decide you love the simple and engaging gameplay, the one where you run around, fight swarms of enemies and slowly build up the town or it's a grind-heavy mess. As a fan of the roguelike and roguelike genres, it falls more in the grind-heavy mentality, simply because the limits are less skill and more resources. Still, it's engaging enough to, if nothing else, get some fun out of it.

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Dec 1, 2020

If the answer to that question is a story, it really is a wild ride. The new arc has been interesting and the latest addition continues things in a way that makes me excited for the next release. However, if you want to stealth kill some enemies, scale buildings, and more, this really isn't for you. Norway is a largely bland world with mountain ranges and other less interesting things to deal with. It really isn't a bad experience, it's just when push comes to shove, it's essentially what you'd expect given the previous entries.

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Nov 30, 2020

Even if Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity is more The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild than Dynasty Warriors, both games are present. The gameplay is still an odd mix of mindless fun and engaging challenge that makes it really fun to play. It would be nice to see more done with the concept, though there is only so much that can be said for the concept. Perhaps the best way to put it is, given the concept, it's the best possible outcome and that is really all that matters.

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Nov 28, 2020

For those who have a PC, the Xbox version that you purchase digitally will give you access to the Windows 10 version of it as well. It also has the Play Anywhere feature meaning you can continue your progress whether you are playing on an Xbox console or PC. Sadly, I've experienced several crashes when playing on PC but it certainly looks the best on PC running at max settings on an RTX 3080.

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Nov 25, 2020

There is only so much you can say about Destiny 2 Beyond Light before it becomes a question of what is worth grinding for. The new classes add a fun new take on the experience, as does a new location, but right now the main draw is the story. It's a good adventure, even if it is just a couple hours, though at the end of the day it's still more Destiny 2.

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