EarthNight Reviews

EarthNight is ranked in the 51st percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
8.5 / 10.0
Dec 2, 2019

undefined.Thankfully, EarthNight wins the day with its enthralling style and art, packing in so many secrets inside its distinctive look. A few issues crop up, chiefly the narrower viewpoint during the fast levels and some long-tail grindy repetition, but the overwhelming killer vibe of this uniquely beautiful video game make it something special, even if dozens (hundreds?) of games have made use of the terms roguelite, procedural generation, and platformers since EarthNight was first revealed half a decade ago.

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8.5 / 10.0
Feb 6, 2020

I'm hopelessly addicted to the dragon apocalypse. I willingly fling myself out of a ship onto the backs of dragons again and again. Sometimes the random nature of EarthNight can create runs that feel nigh impossible, but those are balanced out by the times when I do really well. There's a certain momentum to removing the ability to go backward, creating zen in the utter chaos. EarthNight is the perfect blend of its elements—incredible visuals, a driving soundtrack, and fast-paced gameplay that is rewarding to learn. Slay just one dragon, and you can't help but want to slay them all.

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10 / 10.0
Dec 8, 2016

EarthNight's impossibly stylish gameplay and art direction draw players into a whimsical fantasy of dragon slaying. Its multitude of secrets, carefully rewarding platforming, and retro heartbeat allow each moment and each run of this gem to always surprise and captivate.

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