Lloyd Coombes

100 games reviewed
80.9 average score
80 median score
74.0% of games recommended
Mar 17, 2020

By placing the Doomslayer, and by extension, the player, into the centre of a blood-spattered heavy metal symphony and encouraging them to conduct with a chainsaw, id and Bethesda have conjured a game of the year contender.

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A fun, fairly brief campaign that offers plenty of memorable scenarios and a suite of improvements that turn The Division 2 into a true contender for the looter shooter throne.

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Even a decade on, both still feel so unique, so special, so Platinum, that it’s hard not to be excited for whatever the studio is working on next.

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Feb 24, 2020

Hunt: Showdown is a terrifying experience that is unlike anything else you'll find

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Feb 21, 2020

The highest praise we can give Two Point Hospital is that it feels impossible not to have fun with it.

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5 / 10 - Mosaic
Feb 1, 2020

A barbed look at today's society that lacks an end-product of sorts, Mosaic is a short experience that seems content with telling us what's wrong with our lives without really going any further than that. There's a vital message trapped within the game somewhere, but it never quite gets out, and the experience ends up being depressing rather than entertaining. That might have been what the developer was going for, but ultimately, it doesn't make for a particularly interesting video game.

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Jan 16, 2020

Whichever way you play, Vertex Pop has done it again. Not unlike Karen's various food treats that power-up her move set, Super Crush KO offers short-term satisfaction but it's very sweet while it lasts. Despite the compactness of the experience, it looks great and plays even better – so what are you waiting for? Go forth and save your kitty.

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Nov 22, 2019

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order is a beautiful monster, with the best bits of multiple games stapled together to make a fun, if occasionally frustrating, action game in the Star Wars universe.

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It's the best Pokemon generation in years

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Nov 14, 2019

Death Stranding is undoubtedly the game of the year, in that it’s the game we needed at this moment. In these uncertain times, it can be reassuring to see how one man can make a difference, and how society can find itself in communication. There are arguably scarier threats than BTs in today’s world - so be a dear and leave a ladder.

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Nov 14, 2019

Football Manager 2020 brings back the glory days with one of the best outings in the series' history

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Oct 30, 2019

In a year of stunning Switch games, Luigi's Mansion 3's puzzles and charm more than stack up alongside the incredible Fire Emblem: Three Houses and Link's Awakening. We're so glad the franchise is back, and it's made the jump to HD with style - who knew tidying up could be this fun?

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3 / 10 - WWE 2K20
Oct 28, 2019

After several patches and months of waiting this may, possibly, become a halfway decent wresting game, but at launch this is the gaming equivalent of Doink the Clown.

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Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth: Complete Edition is a content-packed RPG with plenty to see and do. Its evolution system feels wholly unique when compared to another monster-breeding game series you might find on Nintendo hardware, and while the grind may be too much for some, it's comfortably one of the best creature-catchers on the Switch – although Pokémon still holds the crown, of course.

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Oct 24, 2019

Such great groundwork has been laid here that we can’t wait to play a new game in the franchise - we just hope it zeroes in on more of a bespoke personality by then. For now, we’ll console ourselves by replaying it again.

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If you're looking for a fun, colourful team shooter with plenty to see and do, Battle for Neighborville could be just the ticket. If you weren't swayed by the prior Garden Warfare titles, you'll likely want to pass on this, but for the sheer silliness of its characters and the world they exist in, it's well worth sinking your teeth (or vines) into. You may never want to leave Neighborville.

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Oct 11, 2019

Daemon X Machina won’t be for everyone, and it feels a cop-out to say “fans of the genre” will enjoy it. With that said, if you’ve been longing for something fresh in the under-represented giant robots side of things, its suite of hulking mechanical monstrosities and the ways they make things explode give the Switch yet another shot in the arm.

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Oct 9, 2019

If you're simply looking to play Career Mode on the go, then you may get some mileage out of FIFA 20 Legacy Edition on Switch, but if you can buy FIFA on any other platform then we suggest you do. The Switch's FIFA legacy is fast becoming outdated gameplay and missing features, and the only way to put a stop to this is to vote with your wallet.

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Oct 7, 2019

Despite a short campaign that ends abruptly, we feel there's enough here to award a score based on the content we've played for a few dozen hours. If you have ever enjoyed Destiny or it's sequel, Shadowkeep is absolutely worth a purchase. If you haven't, then why not try New Light for free to see how you fare.

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Dragon Quest XI is an excellent port of a superb JRPG. It’s rammed full of content, and performs excellently on the Switch. It’s the JRPG equivalent of putting on your comfiest pajamas and settling in on a rainy day - always enjoyable, wonderfully familiar, and the best way to prepare for Autumn.

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