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Stephen Tailby


Favorite Games:
  • Burnout 3: Takedown
  • Sonic The Hedgehog 2
  • Portal 2

317 games reviewed
67.7 average score
70 median score
56.3% of games recommended

Stephen Tailby's Reviews

Having grown up alongside PlayStation, Stephen has developed a wide knowledge of video games, from AAA blockbusters to the smallest indie gems. With relentless enthusiasm, eclectic taste, and a passion for writing, he’s always on the lookout for the next big thing. He also has the Platinum for The Witness, so there’s that.
May 5, 2017

Birthdays the Beginning is an oddity: it's a relaxed, cutesy god game, but it also requires you to follow strict rules and pay attention to a vast array of stats, which can kill the fun factor to a degree. The free play mode makes for a more chilled out time, however, while the challenges offer more objective-based gameplay for those that want it. The creature capturing is initially compelling, but once you've seen everything, the game doesn't really have anything to draw you back in.

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May 13, 2017

What we're left with is a decent port of PlayStation's happiest game. If you can forgive the occasional audio bug and a teensy bit of slowdown, you'll have a wonderful time with LocoRoco Remastered. Fans will no doubt pick this up regardless, but newcomers should expect a kaleidoscopic, sing-songy platformer with simple, tactile controls, a catchy soundtrack, and a decent variety of stages to roll through. It's well worth the price of entry, and a pleasant reminder that not all games need to make you feel empowered or make you think.  Sometimes, it's enough simply to make you smile.

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May 18, 2017

Black & White Bushido is a fun and unique multiplayer arena fighter that does just enough to keep players entertained. It's limited in scope, but its tight controls and colour-based sneak-'n'-stab gameplay offer up a fun time with friends. This would be easier to recommend had there been more to keep you playing beyond the basic modes, but if you're looking for something new to play with a few buddies, this could be worth a look.

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8 / 10 - RiME
May 25, 2017

Tequila Works' long-awaited title takes you on a heartfelt adventure through large, open areas full of personality and imaginative puzzles. Comparisons to the likes of Journey or ICO were inevitable, and while it can imitate a little too closely, it has just enough fresh ideas to set it apart. Its clean and colourful presentation is backed up by a truly excellent soundtrack, and the story conjures up some wonderful moments along its fairly brief duration. Those looking for a fun, cohesive, and original puzzle platformer could do far worse than investing some time in RiME.

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8 / 10 - DiRT 4
Jun 6, 2017

DiRT 4 is an impressive package that takes the strong foundation of DiRT Rally and sprinkles on a few friendly updates, such as DiRT Academy and the return of Landrush. The handling, whichever way you lean, is robust and extremely gratifying with cars that are a lot of fun to drive. The career mode gives you plenty to do, and Your Stage means you'll never be short of new rally challenges to take on. Some very slight graphical gripes aside, this is another success story for a developer that seems to be firing on all cylinders.

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Jun 6, 2017

The Town of Light is a powerful experience that highlights a fascinating, if chilling, chapter in human history. The heavy atmosphere is achieved through the very real setting of Volterra, and Renée's unfortunate tale of life inside its walls that represents the woes of many real people. The story meanders a little too far into obscurity and can become confusing, and some long load times scupper things further. While you won't necessarily have fun in the traditional sense, it's worth playing if you're at all interested, as it contains some striking sequences that will stay with you long after you finish.

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Jul 3, 2017

World Series is a hollow shell of a Micro Machines game. Codemasters has focused on an undercooked Battle mode and online play to the detriment of the core racing. The local multiplayer is when the game is at its most enjoyable, and zipping around the colourful courses in miniature cars remains a fun novelty. However, some glaring omissions and the small number of tracks and cars means you probably won't stick around for long, and no amount of loot boxes will change that.

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Jul 21, 2017

When all is said and done, Cars 3: Driven to Win is a decent arcade racer that fans will enjoy. The racing is good fun once you get a handle on it, and we can see kids having a great time with the family in its four-player split screen. It's difficult to recommend it to anyone else, however. While there are plenty of ways to play, there lacks a certain depth that will keep you entertained for more than a few hours. Having said that, the PS4 is sorely lacking in arcade racing titles, so this may be worth a look if you're in the market for some bright and breezy driving – and can stand the repetitive voice lines.

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Aug 6, 2017

Patapon Remastered is a decent port of the madcap PSP title. It's a unique, challenging game with real personality that fans of rhythm and/or strategy will have fun with over its ten hour campaign. Difficulty spikes and some well hidden key items can put a dampener on things, while the audio mix isn't quite up to scratch. Fortunately, the fun, simplistic gameplay is compelling enough that you won't be too worried about its flaws. Fans will love the trip down memory lane, but we also hope newcomers will drum up the enthusiasm to give this a go.

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8 / 10 - Sonic Mania
Aug 14, 2017

Sonic Mania is the best Sonic game in years, and stands proudly alongside its ancestors as a great 2D platformer. The levels, both remixed classics and brand new stages, are broad and a lot of fun to speed through, while more cautious exploration is also rewarding and just as viable. The feeling of playing an old-school Sonic title is spot on and it's filled to bursting with secrets, Easter eggs, and surprises that will delight fans. If you've never enjoyed Sonic games, this certainly won't change your mind, but anyone with an affinity for the Blue Blur's seminal Mega Drive series can rest assured that this is more than worth your time.

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Rock of Ages II: Bigger and Boulder is a fun title that just about pulls off its strange cocktail of genres. The Monty Python-like presentation is executed well and suits the game's off-the-wall appeal, and its trio of modes and online or offline multiplayer give the game some legs beyond the story. Moreover, the gameplay offers a lot of potential for daft fun despite some sluggish boulder controls and frustrating AI balance issues. If you're after something different, or enjoy some cathartic destruction in your games, you'll have a ball.

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7 / 10 - Absolver
Sep 1, 2017

It's a real shame that it's currently experiencing these connectivity issues, as Absolver is an otherwise great melee action game. The combat is deep, tactical, and wonderfully customisable, and interacting co-operatively or competitively with other players can be a real joy. Once SloClap can ensure players of a lag-free environment to play in, this will be a knockout multiplayer brawler.

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Dishonored: Death of the Outsider is another solid adventure that's just as generous and involving as either of the main games. It's a shorter experience, but everything you love about the series is present and correct, and as always, replayability is extremely high. Billie is a great character and inherits some cool abilities that allow for multiple approaches to missions. Some narrative niggles let the game down a bit, and it feels a little rushed at the end, but all told, this is every inch a Dishonored game, which can only be a good thing.

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3 / 10 - Maize
Sep 20, 2017

We wish we had more positive things to say about Maize, but unfortunately, it just doesn't have much going for it. The story and writing are atrocious, the characters are forgettable, and the puzzles themselves are too easy. The game is honestly quite boring, despite its bizarre premise, and the attempts at humour are ham-fisted at best and excruciating at worst. If you're after something different, Maize is certainly that, but be warned that it may leave a bad taste in your mouth.

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4 / 10 - Morphite
Oct 2, 2017

What you end up with is a sci-fi exploration title that is, ultimately, dull. There's barely anything going on in Morphite. Once you've beaten the story and upgraded your equipment, there's very little reason to go back to previous locations, and new ones are too similar to offer any meaningful extended play. Myrah's adventure may pique the interest of genre die-hards, but the limited scope of the game makes it difficult to recommend.

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Oct 15, 2017

Caveman Warriors is a half-decent platformer with a relatively unique setting, but is sadly underwhelming in most regards. It plays fairly well and offers some quick and easy fun in multiplayer, but some questionable presentation and frustrating enemy encounters let it down. With a vast pool of quality 2D platformers to choose from on PS4, this game doesn't do enough to truly compete, and we fear it will subsequently be consigned to history.

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6 / 10 - Semispheres
Oct 21, 2017

Semispheres is a short but sweet title with a simple aesthetic that belies a surprisingly complex set of puzzles. Controlling two characters simultaneously takes a fair amount of dexterity, which can at times be more of a challenge than the puzzles themselves. Despite this, there is some clever design on display here with some devilish levels and multiple abilities to utilise. You'll likely be done with it within a few hours or so, but if you're after a neat little game to play in short bursts on the go, Semispheres is worth a look.

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7 / 10 - Brawlhalla
Oct 22, 2017

Some presentation niggles aside, Brawlhalla is an entertaining fighter with fun, punchy combat that just about manages to capture that “one more match” feeling. While it isn't quite as tightly designed as the seminal Super Smash Bros., the large roster, wide range of modes, and a reasonable level of depth help it achieve a similar balance of accessibility and challenge - you can play as casually or as competitively as you like. With pay-to-win nowhere to be seen and exceedingly good online play, this is one free-to-play title that's well worth a try.

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Nov 3, 2017

Bubsy: The Woolies Strike Back is a wholly unremarkable experience. The presentation, controls, and level design are all lacking, and the handful of stages offer little variety. It's not the worst platformer ever – it's not even the worst Bubsy game – it's simply inconsequential, forgettable, and bland in every aspect. Fans of the original games may get a kick out of this, but even they may feel disappointed by the bobcat's latest, and probably last, adventure.

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Nov 7, 2017

Spintires: Mudrunner is a hard-crusted simulation title that makes you earn your fun through hard work and determination. It's certainly not for everyone with a crawling pace and a muted aesthetic, but the impressive physics and sandbox design make for some great moments, especially if you're playing with others. The UI and vehicle handling will have you wrestling for control at times, but if you persevere, this is a game with surprisingly rewarding gameplay and plenty to get stuck into.

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