Battle Chasers: Nightwar Reviews

Battle Chasers: Nightwar is ranked in the 79th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Nov 26, 2017

If you're not into turn based RPGs, Battle Chasers: Nightwar is just the game to turn you around.

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7 / 10.0
Oct 27, 2017

Sporting more interesting mechanics than you can shake an oversized sword at, Battle Chasers has a little bit of everything from classic turn-based JRPGs for everyone. Even though it loses the wow factor on subsequent runs, the dungeon delving has a lot to offer and can hide some rather sneaky secrets. Not a bad title by any means, only a little repetitive, despite its efforts to be otherwise.

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Oct 25, 2017

Battle Chasers: Nightwar is a quality JRPG throwback. It's grindy and can be difficulty, but for people looking for a more casual experience the lower difficulty settings are a good introduction to the genre as a whole. With plenty of lore and heritage behind the game to further build it out, it's a fresh new franchise and a good proof that western developers can emulate the JRPG style when they want to.

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Top Critic
Oct 17, 2017

Airship Syndicate has almost created something very special with Battle Chasers: Nightwar's overall package. But those difficulty spikes are just too unforgiving, and there's only so many times you can be completely obliterated by the same set of enemies before you have to throw in the towel.

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8.9 / 10.0
Oct 20, 2017

My complaints, it should be said, are relatively minor. Battle Chasers: Nightwar is a good, surprisingly polished callback of a game that replicates a lot of the feel of classic JRPGs without bringing along most of their flaws for the ride. I have no idea how appealing it is to anyone who didn't spend 40-hour chunks of his childhood on Final Fantasy III, but for me, it's a pleasant combination of modernity and nostalgia. That's a tricky combination to pull off.

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8 / 10
Oct 18, 2017

While the game is a familiar affair, in terms of play and story arc, it's really quite a treat. Some of the visuals are amazing and while the grinding will put off some players, for those who really enjoy the time invested to power up their characters, it's worth the run. I also have to point out that whether you're familiar with the comic book the game is based on or not, it really doesn't matter, and I thoroughly recommend Battle Chasers: Nightwar without hesitation.

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90 / 100
Oct 9, 2017

Battle Chasers: Nightwar is an incredible game that, even with technical problems and being developed by a small team, it's still worth being played by both fans of the original series and players wishing for more turn-based RPGs. The creative and finely-tuned combat, the fun dungeons and the beautiful art make the game a very nice surprise.

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9 / 10.0
Oct 5, 2017

Battle Chasers: Nightwar does so many things right, and is an enjoyable experience throughout.

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Gamers Heroes
Captain Camper
Top Critic
8 / 10
Oct 2, 2017

Battle Chasers: Nightwar is a must-have for fans of the dungeon-crawling genre. A fantastic art direction, strong character development, tons of hours of content and a wonderful homage to true turn-based combat. At this price, it's a steal.

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79 / 100
Oct 2, 2017

Battle Chasers: Nightwar proves to be a solid turn-based RPG with polished mechanics, interesting dungeons, beautiful artwork and animation, and a lot distractions to keep you entertained. Despite some UI and performance issues, fans of the genre should still find it to be a game that is worth their time.

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Top Critic
8 / 10
Oct 2, 2017

Battle Chasers: Nightwar is very much like the PlayStation JRPGs that it is influenced by. There are elements from Final Fantasy, Suikoden, and even some Diablo. It is a shining example of why people love turn-based RPGs, thanks to the emphasis on character building, management and strategy. The presentation ties everything together with a strong sense of adventure and atmosphere without any hint of cynicism or pretension. This is a game that keeps on giving due to a slew of content that invites people to keep on playing way past the 40-hour mark, and because of the carefully constructed and balanced battle system, it is always exciting to travel this long and tense road. It may have a few rough and inconsistent spots here and there, yet Nightwar remains amazing in spite of its flaws and comes highly recommended to any fan of RPGs.

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7.5 / 10.0
Oct 7, 2017

Battle Chasers: Nightwar makes an awesome first impression and features solid dungeon crawling gameplay.

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78 / 100
Oct 3, 2017

Battle Chasers: Nightwar brings together some really cool character design with a very enjoyable, intense and, at times, punishing combat system. It’s handling of progression is just right, with maybe a slight slip towards the end, thanks to its stream of new abilities and variants of foes that require a different way of going about punching their faces.

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7.3 / 10.0
May 20, 2018

A great attempt at modernizing the JRPG, Battle Chasers: Nightwar is but a few steps away from being truly great.

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May 23, 2018

Battle Chasers: Nightwar does turn-based combat with a level of finesse that isn’t seen enough anymore.

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4.5 / 5.0
Oct 7, 2017

Battlechasers is an RPG to kick back and enjoy.

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8 / 10
Jun 23, 2018

Take a moment to step back and appreciate Battle Chasers: Nightwar as a whole, and, looking beyond the game’s clear inspirations, it strikes out with enough of its own identity to deliver a stirring and memorable adventure.

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8 / 10.0
May 15, 2018

Overall, this game is a good RPG title to add to the Switch’s library. If you have the time (and the cash), then you should definitely consider getting Battle Chasers: Nightwar as you won’t be disappointed with what it has to offer.

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8 / 10.0
Feb 20, 2018

Overall Battle Chasers: Nightwar is an exciting and gorgeous romp through a lovingly crafted world that will never be the same twice. I honestly think every fantasy fan should give it a go and just see where your adventure takes you!

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8.7 / 10.0
Oct 7, 2017

The 90's were running and comics were my favorite pastime, among so many great artists who made our imagination fly with their strokes and stories, there was one in particular that was my favorite for his drawings that were a mixture between the Japanese manga and the American style, I'm talking about Joe Madureira who, without even coming of age, was already one of Marvel's most important artists, drawing what was once the company's biggest franchise, the X-Men.

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