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Push Square

2656 games reviewed
67.6 average score
70 median score
48.7% of games recommended

Push Square's Reviews

Mar 11, 2024

The game's story mode is short overall, but thankfully there's an Arcade and Challenge mode that offer great replayability. The challenge mode in particular is a highlight as it doles out mini-challenges for you to blast through, like tricky platforming or a pacifist run of a level. So, all in all, this is undoubtedly the best game the series has had in a long time, and one fans of the classic games won't want to miss out on.

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7 / 10 - As Dusk Falls
Mar 7, 2024

Despite a sputtering start, As Dusk Falls eventually finds its footing with a character-driven story that rewards replays with insight into the backstories, motivations, and psyches of its troubled cast that’s been battered down by their everyday existences. It’s a tale that grows increasingly engrossing, provided a tolerance for some sensationalised theatrics and protracted payoffs.

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Mar 7, 2024

It's hard to say whether Unicorn Overlord is objectively Vanillaware's best game, but for us, it's right up there, competing for the crown - and that's incredibly high praise. This is an immaculate and deeply engaging strategy RPG; the best example of the genre that we've played in years. For those who are looking to get lost in tactical thought, it's essential - and for everyone else, it still stands as an engrossing fantasy adventure. Vanillaware's done it again.

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8 / 10 - New Star GP
Mar 6, 2024

That said, while we realise this is rare for the genre, qualifying before races would be nice. Perks like starting races in 9th place don't provide a real substitute. Furthermore, online multiplayer's omission is also disappointing, though at least there's local multiplayer for up to four players. These aren't deal breakers, though, and when the core campaign is this good, New Star GP comes recommended.

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8 / 10 - WWE 2K24
Mar 4, 2024

Far removed from the haunted carnival ride that was WWE 2K20, 2K and Visual Concepts have settled into an extremely reliable groove. The amount of content on offer is absolutely staggering, with grapple fans certain to delight in at least one of the many available modes and 200+ available Superstars. Some visual inconsistencies and a somewhat lacklustre WrestleMania Showcase let the side down, but beyond that, WWE 2K24 is another strong, if safe, entry in the 2K-driven WWE series.

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Mar 4, 2024

It may not be the next single player terror fans of its predecessors are looking for, but The Outlast Trials successfully translates the series' formula for a co-op setting. Hiding from gory psychopaths and utilising night vision is still the name of the game - now you simply do it alongside up to three friends online. Though silly enemy AI and some repetitive visual assets drag the experience down, The Outlast Trials is an example of a former single player game turned online title done right.

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Mar 4, 2024

The bottom line, though, is that Dragon Ball FighterZ is still an amazing fighting game. It was top tier on PS4 and it's yet to be equalled in the anime space, despite being five years old. Assuming the online systems will be improved, there's no reason not to jump back into this brilliant adaptation.

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Mar 1, 2024

Other additions only superficially extend longevity, including a bookcase collection of your progress, and aesthetically upgrading Hebe's House, although Hidden Art scrolls give each of the four characters individualised special moves. Ultimately, Ufouria: The Saga 2 provides no reason to return as compelling as searching for hidden background bubbles to free residents in Klonoa: Door to Phantomile.

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Feb 29, 2024

At its best, Expeditions offers more of the absorbing, slow, and high-risk driving that made MudRunner and SnowRunner such cult successes. It's a clever formula that now has slightly more user-friendly packaging, making it easier than ever to get into. There are still wrinkles, in particular with visual performance, and there's no doubt that this remains a niche that not all petrolheads will love, but if you're on the lookout for something a bit more zen, it's another great entry in the series.

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Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons Remake is a solid retread that occasionally gets in its own way. The graphical and musical overhauls are spectacular, and the emotional heft of the story is intact, but the industry has left the title behind in a lot of ways. The control scheme is still pretty unique, and a rousing success in single-player, but the co-op mode comes with an asterisk. While it's a welcome accessibility inclusion, it fundamentally alters the experience, and not really for the better. Throw in some technical woes and you're left with a remake that doesn't quite feel up to snuff in a modern setting. However, the core game was incredible for its time, and ultimately remains a moving tale in this refreshed version.

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8 / 10 - Pentiment
Feb 26, 2024

We were largely enthralled during our dozen or so hours with Pentiment. The mystery at the heart of the narrative remains compelling throughout, but it was the smaller moments that warmed our hearts; breaking bread with friends, sharing in their joy and heartbreak, watching lives play out, and generations pass, in a world on the cusp of dramatic change.

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Feb 26, 2024

So, Penny's Big Breakaway is a flawed gem in the end. Once you're comfortable with the controls, the fundamental gameplay works very nicely indeed, and there are some fantastic levels (especially in the latter half) which really accentuate this game's unique ideas. It's a shame it's launched with some unusual bugs, as they take the shine off of an imaginative 3D platformer with lots of potential. Hopefully, after a few updates, this promising debut from Evening Star will please the crowds with a tighter performance.

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If you’ve been looking for a colourful deck builder with a more anime art style than the decidedly heavy metal Slay the Spire, this should appeal.

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Feb 22, 2024

If you can push through the tedium of its open world busywork and padded storytelling, there's a great sequel at the heart of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. It retains all of Remake's most important strengths, but builds on an already brilliant combat system, and excels at showcasing an iconic RPG setting. If you enjoyed Remake and you have fond memories of the PS1 original, you'll likely love every minute of Rebirth's memorable, character-focused adventure.

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Feb 21, 2024

Skull and Bones delivers boatloads of explosive tactical action, with players playing the part of pirates in an impressive oceanic world. Its 17th-century naval battles are best-in-class, with developer Ubisoft Singapore building a firm foundation for future voyages. But with no real story to speak of and little in the way of variation, repetition inevitably sets in. While not the spiritual successor to Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag as some might have been hoping for, Skull and Bones is never-the-less an incredibly unique, reactive game well worth checking out.

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9 / 10 - Balatro
Feb 21, 2024

Between the main game, seeded runs, and a Challenge mode to really test your skills, there's endless fun to be drawn from Balatro. With so many variables to experiment with, sleek presentation, and hypnotically addictive gameplay, this is easily among the best deckbuilders, and possibly among the best roguelikes, we've played yet.

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8 / 10 - Pacific Drive
Feb 20, 2024

Pacific Drive is an ambitious and rewarding debut from Ironwood Studios. It's an unusual combination of factors that all coalesce; roguelike exploration, deep and challenging survival mechanics, an interesting narrative to follow, and a central vehicle that brings everything together. Fiddly controls and complex UI mean it's not free from annoyances, but the pleasure found in incrementally upgrading the car and throwing it into the unknown trumps the setbacks. It might be an arduous journey at times, but it's definitely worth the trip.

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Feb 15, 2024

The "little" in the title also summarises the game's length. As with most games like this, you'll likely finish it in three to four hours, which for some is a perfect length considering how long it takes to finish other games being released these days. Nevertheless, the experience itself is charming, with a lovely soundtrack, and interesting puzzles to solve. If you're after another cosy game to play, then you will likely enjoy yourself.

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8 / 10 - PlateUp!
Feb 15, 2024

PlateUp! is a thoroughly enjoyable, addictive, and oddly calming experience. The background music is strangely soothing, and the repetitive nature of the tasks is comforting. Where others in a similar genre cause arguments, PlateUp! has the true spirit of collaboration.

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Feb 14, 2024

Arzette is a tough game to criticise, because in many respects it has accomplished its mission. The commitment to the bit is admirable, and anyone who gets a kick out of those old CD-i titles will have a good time with this. However, if you're not in on the joke, this is harder to recommend; old fashioned design and uninteresting combat might be part of the brief, but they don't make for an exciting time in 2024. If you're willing to accept this game's warts-and-all approach, though, there's lots to like.

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