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1735 games reviewed
71.7 average score
75 median score
55.3% of games recommended

WayTooManyGames's Reviews

9 / 10.0 - Pepper Grinder
Mar 28, 2024

If you like Super Mario World, or precision platformers such as Celeste, then boy, have I got an absolute treat for you. Pepper Grinder is the kind of game you’ll instantly start to scream about from the rooftops. It’s got fast-paced action, its worlds are vibrant and diverse, and it’s got a banging soundtrack to top it off. Not to mention the fact I’ll always have a soft spot for anything that includes narwhals. Pepper Grinder is already one of my top contenders for my favourite game of the year, especially being a replayable-as-hell Switch banger I can pick and play for ten to fifteen minutes at a time while I’m sat on a bus or train.

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8.5 / 10.0 - Inkulinati
Mar 28, 2024

Overall, Inkulinati is a really unique strategy title that’s also tons of fun to play. There are lots of games out there trying copy the successful formula from other roguelikes, but thankfully enough, this one goes for a different route. It might borrow some elements from other games that preceded it, but Inkulinati plots its own path.

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7 / 10.0 - Felix the Cat
Mar 28, 2024

I was really impressed with how good Felix the Cat on NES is, and it’s now one of my favorite hidden gems on that system. It’s still a lot of money being asked for one excellent ROM, its Japanese counterpart, and a Game Boy port that’s basically a novelty item. I’d say that, if you have some cashback credits in your eShop account, Felix the Cat is really fun and worth your time. If not, maybe wait for a discount.

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Mar 25, 2024

If it wasn’t clear already, Shines Over: The Damned is a really bad game, which isn’t worth your money or your time, even if it lasts just half an hour. It’s a short, but definitely not sweet experience, completely lacking in scares, story, atmosphere, or neat ideas. To make matters worse, it costs way too much for something so short. The easy platinum trophy you can get from it is not worth the pricetag. At its worst, it was a frustrating gameplay experience. At its best, it was an experimental snorefest.

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5.5 / 10.0 - Match Village
Mar 25, 2024

When it comes to Match Village, here’s what I can say: it’s here, it’s cheap, it’s decent enough as an engagement piece and you can suggest it to anyone without the risk of offending them. Looking for something else to occupy your thumbs while you and a friend/loved one/forced roommate move through the latest season of Survivor? Then come make some cozy pairings with Match Village, and see how far you can move your island along before you decide to get up and move on from it.

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Mar 22, 2024

So come dive in if you’re looking for a new and sometimes hilarious way to kill people, because that was the majority of my enjoyment of Bio Inc. Redemption. It’s creative, the execution is decent, and it’s certainly a title that stands out on the Switch. However, if you have any interest in actually helping people, I recommend to avoid this title, simply because it will aid in making you cynical of how much someone is willing to help themselves before asking others for help.

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9 / 10.0 - Helldivers II
Mar 21, 2024

To put it plainly, Helldivers 2 is one of the best cooperative games in recent years. An uncomprisingly fun shooter, which may even stand up with the titans like Left 4 Dead 2, Monster Hunter World and Halo Master Chief Collection. Games like these, as well as Helldivers 2, are the ones I have spent hundreds of hours in, and will most likely continue to play for years to come. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got to spread some managed democracy. Freedom don’t come free!

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If you can parse down the file size significantly, change the interface so you aren’t using a floating mouse cursor, lower the unlock price tags and polish the performance overall, this could be a fun little title regardless of your familiarity with Warmhammer 40,000. As it stands, Dakka Squadron is boring, repetitive, painful and a waste of time, especially if you aren’t out here just to screech a line from a game while others hoot in acknowledgement.

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6 / 10.0 - Death of a Wish
Mar 21, 2024

Overall, would I recommend Death of a Wish? Yes, unless you deal with motion sickness in any way shape or form. I didn’t feel like I did, but Death of a Wish certainly proved me wrong. It’s a fun game to play, but I had to take a break more often than I do in most games. Hopefully with future updates screen shake and motion can be adjusted and that will make it a nice simple and straight yes, absolutely pick up Death of a Wish.

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8 / 10.0 - MLB The Show 24
Mar 20, 2024

MLB The Show 24 might be, in theory, more of the same if you’ve been playing all previous iterations of the game, but the handful of inclusions in this particular version were enough to justify its existence. Its Storylines mode impressed the hell out of me, not only with how detailed it managed to tell Derek Jeter’s career, but with how it managed to educate (and educate at the same time) someone not into the sport with all the importance behind the Negro Leagues. Add in the good presentation and excellent gameplay, and what you have here is more of the same, but also more of the GOOD same.

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Mar 19, 2024

Vampire: The Masquerade – Justice is a game I was hoping to get more from. The world from which it pulls its content from seems rich and full of crazy things. Being able to be a vampire and actually use slick moves, and suck the blood from enemies in VR sounded so cool. Marry that with the inspiration from Dishonored, and I truly thought this would be a hit. Unfortunately, it just turned out to be a middle-of-the-road stealth game that didn’t capitalize on the unique setting and ideas of being a vampire.

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9.5 / 10.0 - Asgard's Wrath 2
Mar 18, 2024

Overall, Asgard’s Wrath 2 is the epic ARPG that I’ve always wanted in VR. It doesn’t hold back in scope and depth of gameplay in order to fit into the traditional bite sized nature of a VR experience. This is a full fledged ARPG that will absorb you for hours. It was constantly putting a smile on my face as it throws new and fun things at me around every turn. From the frantic fights, to the fun and involved followers, to the godly puzzles and epic bosses, this game has it all.

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9 / 10.0 - As Dusk Falls
Mar 18, 2024

Interactive narrative games might not be for everyone, but As Dusk Falls is still one that I’ll recommend to just about everyone. It keeps you constantly engaged, with high stakes and choices that actually matter, no matter how seemingly insignificant they might seem. This is one of the first interactive dramas that’s managed no not only hold my attention, but kept me so captivated that I finished my first playthrough in one sitting. Then I went back for more. If you’re on the fence about checking it out, I implore you to not let the curtain fall on As Dusk Falls.

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9 / 10.0 - WWE 2K24
Mar 15, 2024

Every feature of 2K23 has been enhanced tenfold, and as a result, it’s a goddamn joy to mess around in the various modes. MyUniverse has gotten extra cutscenes that round out the experience, while MyGM has ample flesh on the bone. I might have encountered a handful of blunders during my session, but they can be fixed with a snap. After investing hours, I’m intrigued by what a higher-caliber sequel could look like.

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Mar 15, 2024

Granblue Fantasy Relink was not only well worth the wait, but it blew my expectations clear out of the water. If I’m honest, I anticipated a JRPG that was a bit above average but wouldn’t really be a blip in a Game of the Year discussion. Well, shut my mouth because, while it does tell the traditional tale of preventing the apocalypse, it handles it exceptionally.

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Mar 14, 2024

Contra: Operation Galuga is not a long or groundbreaking title, but after the poor reception generated by its predecessor, a simple return to form for the franchise was the ideal way to go. It retains the gameplay loop, challenge and adrenaline from old school Contra, with a series of gameplay, accessibility, replayability, and quality of life improvements.

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Mar 13, 2024

Llamasoft: The Jeff Minter Story is yet another solid hit by Digital Eclipse. Whether or not you have any history with the name, you’ll be sure to get to know him inside and out with this documentary.

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So what you have here is a friendly reminder of why Battlefront was one of the coolest gaming sub-franchises of the mid-2000s. Aspyr didn’t exactly do a lot to remaster these games in this collection, but at the very least, they didn’t compromise them. The very few additions (bigger player count, online multiplayer, and a vast improvement on the Hero Assault variety) are still very welcome.

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Mar 12, 2024

I can’t help but feel like the BlazBlue branding in Entropy Effect feels tacked on, almost like a last minute addition to ensure some extra sales, but as a game, it’s actually a pretty good roguelike. It looks good enough, and its combat and powerup systems are really solid. Even though I didn’t care at all about its plot, I got hooked on its gameplay loop. At the end of the day, that’s what really matters. It might be BlazBlue in name only, but this little roguelike is a welcome surprise regardless.

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Of the Red, The Light and the Ayakashi Tsuzuri isn’t a well known visual novel, but it’s a unique one, and something that really captivated both my attention and my imagination. Full of disembodied moments of curiosity and philosophy, you'll find yourself sleepwalking along with Yue along his journey.

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