BATMAN - The Telltale Series - Episode 1: Realm of Shadows Reviews

BATMAN - The Telltale Series - Episode 1: Realm of Shadows is ranked in the 63rd percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Aug 8, 2016

Telltale's new Batman provides a fun and engaging detective experience.

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8.5 / 10.0
Aug 6, 2016

Bolstered by a supped up engine, Batman: The Telltale Series' first episode, "Realm of Shadows," is their strongest opening episode in years, and the most engaging take on the Caped Crusader in recent superhero adaptation history.

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Top Critic
7.5 / 10.0
Aug 13, 2016

An intriguing, story and dialogue driven game that gives us a new look through the mind's eye of Bruce Wayne and gives us the chance to groom The Batman into the crime fighter we want him to be. Various gameplay modes keep the game interesting and will have you begging Telltale to release the next installments sooner rather than later. Unfortunately the PC port problems hinders the enjoyment on computer.

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Drew Hurley
Top Critic
6 / 10
Aug 7, 2016

The QTEs may be very lacklustre in Batman: The Telltale Series - Episode 1: Realm of Shadows, even compared to Telltale's earlier works, and the combat scenes need work, but there's plenty of opportunities to grow after this first episode. All in all, it's a solid and promising start that establishes a world via "show, don't tell," and sets up enough plot threads to keep players interested in what comes next.

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Top Critic
6 / 10
Sep 4, 2016

It will be impossible for Batman aficionados to not enjoy the first episode of Batman: The Telltale Series. However, while it's a very enjoyable amalgamation of all things Batman, it doesn't manage to stand out, or be original in terms of story. More importantly, it repeats the developer's frequent mistakes; boring QTEs, and useless (although immersive) "choose the answer" dialogue sequences and all. It's a good, promising episode, but it could be so much better.

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Aug 3, 2016

In 'Realm of Shadows' we see the usual monolithic monument of Telltaleness, wrapped up in a cape and cowl. We also see the shadow of something different, something new. It's not ready yet, not fully formed, and could die by the end of the series or even by the second episode, but it could also bring their craft to a new level. Either way, I don't see a need to wash my hands of it just yet.

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Aug 2, 2016

While still enjoyable, as the credits were rolling, I still wanted a little more. Thankfully, Telltale is already hard at work on Episode 2, which should be coming next month.

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Top Critic
9 / 10
Aug 6, 2016

It's easy to say that Batman: The Telltale Series Episode 1 – Realm of Shadows is one of Telltale's best first episodes yet

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8.5 / 10.0
Aug 4, 2016

Overall, Telltale’s Batman Episode 1 is one of the best and most complete experiences to be found in one episode of a Telltale game. The episode is directed expertly and pacing is very well executed; you’ll have time to experience all of the multi-faceted lives of Bruce Wayne but you’re also introduced to a wide array of classic characters without feeling overwhelmed. You get the eery sense that something is brewing in Gotham City and I can’t wait to find out what it is in the episodes to come.

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9 / 10
Aug 7, 2016

Batman: The Telltale Series is a captivating adventure game that highlights a different side of Batman. The new take on the Caped Crusader is much welcomed as Telltale's original story makes its impressive debut in the first episode titled "Realm of Shadows".

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Aug 8, 2016

Realm of shadows is not the best game on the market, but its not bad. Buyers should be cautious about buying the game right now though, because not all of the technical issues have been fixed for everyone.

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Gamers FTW
Top Critic
8 / 10.0
Aug 3, 2016

The first foray into the world of Telltale Games Batman is full of mystery, intrigue and a hard edged adult portrayal of the world. Its technical issues bring the experience down, however, this first entry its the ground running with an interesting story and gives a first episode that not only is gripping but also left me salivating for more.

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Gamers Heroes
JJ David
Top Critic
8 / 10
Aug 3, 2016

While there were a couple key choices throughout the episode, the game played mostly like an overarching story with different dialogue options. With what appears like 4 more episodes, we have yet to see any real game changing plot options but I still think there is plenty of time and this was an incredible start. What it truly needed was more of that friggin Batmobile. Seriously, How cool was the Batmobile Lambo? The thing friggin went from Red to Black with camouflage tech then Armored up while also opening the back for jets. LAMBO BATMOBILE GG Telltale. Click HERE to see the GIF

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8 / 10
Sep 5, 2016

I certainly like playing Batman: The Telltale Series for my Batman: Realm of Shadows review. I look forward to seeing what Telltale Games does with the rest of the series, because if it’s as solid as the first episode, I definitely want a second season to be approved as soon as possible!

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7 / 10.0
Aug 5, 2016

This is an easy recommendation to those who are fans of both Batman and Telltale, even before the next four episodes are released. Others may want to hold off, since the story is this episode’s high point, future episodes will dictate the total worth of the series.

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8.3 / 10.0
Aug 15, 2016

Batman: The Telltale Series - Episode 1: Realm of Shadows allayed any concerns I had about how a character usually shown in video games as an action-packed superhero would be handled in a more story-driven format. I am happy to report that it was handled quite well overall, due in large part to a solid presentation (the visuals fit the comic book source material far better than they do The Walking Dead) and excellent voice acting (led by veterans Troy Baker and Laura Bailey), some new gameplay mechanics and a story that I am invested in.

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8 / 10.0
Sep 9, 2016

One amazing, well rounded package, a very promising story and an excellent technical performance with a “seen-before, yet proven” gameplay. Telltale games are played for their stories and atmosphere anyway and that’s where they absolutely delivered.

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6.5 / 10.0
Aug 9, 2016

An interesting and unique entry to the Batman universe

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8.5 / 10.0
Aug 2, 2016

This first episode of their Batman story is full of Bruce Wayne than Batman. Surely, it makes the others think that it wouldn’t be wise to have more Batman gameplay as it’s not an action-button smashing game, but I’d rather look to into a point of view where Bruce Wayne has started his journey as the Dark Knight and the origins of his arch-enemies. It’s a great episode to start, Realm of Shadows shows the potential of Telltale’s Batman story and surely the next episode is something we don’t want to miss.

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6.3 / 10.0
Aug 7, 2016

Telltale Games is off to a good start with this new series. However, I do not think that the moments as Batman lend well to the genre.

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