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Just Push Start

436 games reviewed
74.9 average score
75 median score
53.7% of games recommended

Just Push Start's Reviews

2.5 / 5.0 - Indivisible
Oct 7, 2019

Look, Indivisible isn’t an awful game, it just makes too many poor choices to count.

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Sep 27, 2019

It's hard to put into words all the issues Contra: Rogue Corps has, largely because it isn't objectively awful, it's just painfully unimaginative. It seems to think the name and a couple of jokes are enough to sell it and honestly, it's probably enough to garner interesting, though there really isn't anything special about it. Everything is so plain, boring and simple that no amount of charm or quirks will make shooting some pink blob that flies at you interesting. Though, if you love top-down shooters and just want to see what it's like, maybe check it out during a sale.

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2.5 / 5.0 - Omen of Sorrow
Nov 7, 2018

Omen of Sorrow is basically a fighting game with a fair amount of depth, without the structure to support it.

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The Good, The Bad and The Augmented feels rushed and offers little for returning fans to do. Between levels being comprised of the same stages in a different order or altered enemies is reminiscent of the complaints about wondering through similar looking ducts. Despite there being a fair number of weapons and armor, a lot of them are reskins and none of them are different or good enough to justify changing for, unless you're a newcomer. Add this with lackluster challenges and an underwhelming end and it just feels more like a rushed expansion than something fans or newcomers need to see.

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Feb 13, 2018

Where previous games allowed players to feel powerful by defeating an absurd number of dumb enemies, Dynasty Warriors 9 cuts out the middle man, leaving a shallow game feeling completely hollow.

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Mar 19, 2018

Attack on Titan 2 might add to the story but it doesn’t change enough to make it a compelling purchase. With it feeling largely like the previous games, it feels closer to DLC than a new expansion. This doesn’t mean there isn’t any reason to pick it up, just don’t expect it to be a massive change from the original. Combine this with very little story progression, performance issues and not a lot of content and it’s a sequel even fans can skip.

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Dec 22, 2018

Battle Princess Madelyn might not be a bad game; it just isn't special. All the difficulty stems from tricks, meaning the difficulty no longer exists once a player realizes it's all smoke and mirrors. With enemies, bosses and stages lasting longer than they really need to, it's an experience that doesn't invoke a desire to replay. At most alternate paths and hidden story bosses might, though even that is limited. So, unless you really want to play something like Ghouls ‘n Ghosts, Battle Princess Madelyn is simply too hollow to be fun.

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Dec 24, 2018

By the time you make it to the end, it's just a lot of what we've already seen, coupled with another piece moving story. What will likely happen is Marvel's Spider-Man 2, or whatever they want to call it, will pick up these threads and build a more compelling story around them. However, it's just as likely we will see them hand wave story elements and just tell the adventure they want to. Whatever the case might be, Marvel's Spider-Man: The City That Never Sleeps never lives up to the excitement of the original game, leaving us with a bunch of odd puzzle pieces. It isn't so bad there is no point in ever playing them, they're just the type of expansions that feel like a lot of good ideas that never quite come together or make sense in regards to how they play out.

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5.5 / 10.0 - Code of Princess EX
Jul 30, 2018

Between slow and clunky controls to a generic story that is basically making fun of similar generic stories, you're left with an underwhelming game that just isn't that fun to play. So, unless you really want to play a beat 'em up on the Switch, play as countless characters or just enjoy the usual anime game tropes, this isn't for you.

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5.5 / 10.0 - Defiance 2050
Jul 13, 2018

Defiance 2050 is not a very good game thanks to all of the technical hiccups I encountered during its launch week. Even if the launch issues are all fixed, the game itself leaves a lot to be desired. The outdated visuals and repetitive gameplay are a turn off and you’re better off playing Warframe or any other free to play MMO instead. That said, you can still find some type of enjoyment in this game if you are a fan of shooting games, but other games offer better variety than this.

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If you want a good story and don't mind if it's a tad on the predictable side, you'll enjoy Life is Strange: Before the Storm. However, if you want some twists and turns, with crazy reveals, this won't make you happy.

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Long story short, Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Remastered isn't an awful game. Seriously, it isn't, but it isn't the best remaster around. It feels like it got a small touch up, a couple of modern features, a few edited dungeons, and gear to add something different. Without something to make it stand out, besides being a popular game in the past, it struggles to find value. For some revisiting a beloved game is enough, whereas others might opt for better experiences.

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2.9 / 5.0 - Blade Strangers
Aug 29, 2018

Blade Strangers isn't an outright terrible game; it just doesn't feel like the concept ever got off the ground. While characters retain their charm, story suffers from a lack of originality. There is also a distinct lack of depth, as combos are fairly straightforward, with some moves using repeated inputs adding unneeded mistakes. Add in lackluster and in some cases awful sprites and it's an experience that really comes down to if you like the characters enough to see them in a new setting. If this is enough, then you might like this, otherwise it's a paint by numbers fighting game that doesn't do anything well enough to stand out beyond the fact notable characters are present.

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6 / 10.0 - Biomutant
May 24, 2021

Another common debate in the gaming community, especially after some games going to $70, is quality versus quantity. For the longer time I’ve always favored quantity, though believe in a healthy mix of both, but Biomutant makes a compelling case for why quantity is bad.

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3 / 5.0 - Cris Tales
Jul 24, 2021

Add this in with an opening that is brutal, even more mechanics that get thrown away or ignored long term (why have the tent that heals your party cost 10,000 marbles, what Cris Tales uses for currency, when by the time you can afford it, you'd have no use for it?), spending most of your time talking to people in towns that are obvious padding and so much more. It's a shame Cris Tales simply can't live up to the charm of its art but there is no consistency on what it wants to be. Even the bosses go from a joke to making me feel like I am woefully under-leveled, back to Neptunia level in the span of 20 minutes and one level. For some the art might be enough, but if you want a good RPG, this isn't it.

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Aug 17, 2021

Greak: Memories of Azur is a great example of nice art and ideas failing due to implementation. I don't know if there is a great way to accomplish exactly what Greak: Memories of Azur was going for but this is absolutely not it. The extra characters add nothing to the core experience could be improved so many ways that it's easy to focus on what it did wrong over the positives. It makes for a rough suggestion and one many will just find lacking.

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3 / 5.0 - Trigger Witch
Jul 30, 2021

The hard thing about Trigger Witch is that it proves you can be worse than the sum of its parts. Instead of creating an experience that feels like a lot of thought and effort went into it, like Enter the Gungeon, it feels like someone had a neat idea and they just wanted to build that as far as they could go. This isn't to say you can't have fun with Trigger Witch or even that it's bad, there are just better efforts out there.

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Mar 30, 2021

In so many ways Balan Wonderworld feels like a weird game that hopes the concept will make up for execution. With extremely little to see, a minimal story to explore, and visuals that honestly do little more than remind me of simpler times, it's hard to suggest what value Balan Wonderworld adds. It certainly isn't engaging, interesting and so many of the elements are painfully basic. Throw in needless costume-changing animations (I don't need a three-second animation every time I swap), extremely small worlds, and minimal… well, everything and it's hard to be optimistic.

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Oct 26, 2020

Odds are if you're reading this review, you know what to expect from Onee Chanbara Origins. It's Dynasty Warriors with fewer characters, smaller stages and instead of historical figures, it's zombies and cute girls. This is enough to make it fun and give the experience value, though it's hard to really suggest it to anyone else. Between the lack of story and limited content, there isn't much really much of a reason to check it out unless you want to get into the series or already love it.

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Aug 21, 2020

Giraffe and Annika is meant for less experienced and younger gamers and does a good job of presenting a world for them to explore. There might not be much to see or challenges to overcome, besides some control issues, making it easy to understand its place. The cute story and vibrant visuals also make it easy to enjoy the simple charms, even if the rhythm sections are a bit on the rough side. While I wouldn't say this is a grand slam of a children's game, it's has enough redeeming aspects to play through it.

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