I Am Setsuna Reviews

I Am Setsuna is ranked in the 60th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
7.5 / 10.0
Aug 3, 2016

Design missteps and combat randomness don’t defeat this sombre tale.

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8 / 10.0
Jul 25, 2016

I Am Setsuna adds a lot of value to our memories and shows us just how far these games have progressed over the decades. But the lack of momentum and good controls hold it back from greatness.

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7 / 10
Jul 25, 2016

While the game doesn’t strive to evolve the classic gameplay, I Am Setsuna is a nice journey, a good 21+ hour charming adventure that despite its cold environments, warms the heart with its tragic themes, while answering the question that our memories of classic Japanese RPGs were not blinded nostalgia trips.

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7 / 10.0
Jul 19, 2016

Setsuna is a good game and that’s really the problem, it’s just good. The games intention of being a love letter the to JRPG’s of yesteryear have kept the game void of any originality and spark. The game is stuck in the shadow of those games, playing it far too safe to rear a head of its own.

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Top Critic
8 / 10.0
Jul 19, 2016

There are a lot of areas in which I Am Setsuna could be improved, but it’s still a beautiful game that fully captures the spirit of SNES era JRPGs.

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Top Critic
9 / 10.0
Jul 19, 2016

With a dark yet optimistic story and old school JRPG gameplay, Tokyo RPG Factory’s first title feels like a classic in the modern day.

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2.5 / 5.0
Jul 18, 2016

I Am Setsuna seems like the perfect game for those missing the Golden Age of Japanese RPGs, but unfortunately it has been painted with a shallow brush.

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8 / 10.0
Mar 17, 2017

It's disappointing to see nothing new in the Switch version of I am Setsuna, but we're still talking about a very good JRPG and the only offering right now for all the Nintendo fans on their new console. A recommended choice if you didn't get to play it elsewhere.

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8 / 10.0
Mar 31, 2017

I Am Setsuna is a wonderful game which, while bittersweet, is told beautifully. It fits the Nintendo Switch wonderfully and is a great example of what the console is aiming to achieve.

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3.8 / 5.0
Jul 21, 2016

Capitalising upon nostalgia can be a tricky task. If you don’t innovate enough to distinguish yourself from your contemporaries then your game can suffer as a result and come off as too derivative and this is a pitfall that I Am Setsuna doesn’t entirely manage to avoid.

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Aug 3, 2016

I Am Setsuna is the perfect antidote for our hot and angry summer

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Niche Gamer
D S Wadeson
Top Critic
6 / 10.0
Aug 14, 2016

Yet, if you love JRPGs but think they need to leave the rose-tinted glasses behind, I Am Setsuna might not scratch the itch. It’s a shame it’s not more forward thinking but perhaps, should it do well, it could be exactly the thing to start bridging the gap towards a modern JRPG renaissance.

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8 / 10.0
Jul 20, 2016

Like an experienced chef with a garden of spices, I Am Setsuna borrows from classic RPGs in many areas without feeling like a fan game or a ripoff. While minor flaws detract from the experience, the brilliant presentation and nostalgic gameplay are enough to make Setsuna worthy of standing with its ancestors.

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Aug 18, 2019

Ultimately, although the story falls somewhat flat, I am Setsuna is probably worth a playthrough if you’re feeling nostalgic for Chrono Trigger or other classic JRPGs of yore. It delivers on all its promises in the strictest sense, without actually delving any deeper or providing much other than a glorified reproduction of the games it is based on; I enjoyed it, sure, but couldn’t help feeling a little disappointed at the end. The game is undeniably fun and moderately absorbing but doesn’t bring anything new to the table, leading us to wonder (not for the first time) if an outright remaster of Chrono Trigger wouldn’t have been a better use of Square Enix’s resources.

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7 / 10.0
Aug 6, 2016

I Am Setsuna is a great game, but that's all. It falls short of it's full potential in a few different ways, but fortunately the excellent soundtrack and brilliant art direction make it a joy to experience.

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Jul 18, 2016

A lovely little low-key JRPG that feels like the work of a small, passionate indie developer that just wants to pay homage to the classics it looks up to. 'I Am Setsuna' isn't a revolutionary game or a rebirth of the genre, as the marketing seems to imply. What 'I Am Setsuna' ultimately ends up being is a remarkably well-made, charming game that's endlessly endearing and entirely devoid of cynicism.

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Top Critic
Jul 20, 2016

Fans of SNES era RPGS will absolutely want to pay the asking price, but if you cut your teeth on modern massive world 3D titles, this one won't be for you.

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8 / 10
Aug 2, 2016

I Am Setsuna is an interesting take on the classic JRPG genre. Tokyo RPG Factory has managed to take one of the best turn-based battle system from fan favorite Chrono Trigger and used it to create a simple but memorable experience that might satisfy the thirst of JRPG fans.

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David Lovato
Top Critic
6 / 10
Sep 14, 2016

I Am Setsuna is a solid title. The story and gameplay both have their moments, even if they feel a little too reliant on nostalgia, and the wooden battles don't stop this from being something JRPG fans will still enjoy. A gorgeous soundtrack accompanies a beautiful, if not repetitive, snowy landscape, and the game holds its own and should feel right at home to people who like mobile RPGs.

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80 / 100
Aug 2, 2016

I am Setsuna may not blow you away - it’s simple and understated, but there’s a lot of charm in that. This quiet JRPG is a solicitous throwback that makes its case through thoughtful moments instead of flashy cutscenes.

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